“Someone to gowith her and the boys to the theme park. I will have to book a dayoff for it.”

Olivia blinked.“What age group?”

“They turnthirteen this weekend. They are throwing a rager. Oh, and Grigory’ssloth will be hosting a family introduction for Lya and Tamara.Lady Olyna isn’t going to be happy about it, but she will have toadapt to the new arrivals.”

Olivia asked,“Why won’t Olyna be happy about it?”

Zelle smiled.“She called Tamara something objectionable before realizing thatLya was her mother, not her sister. Lya slapped her, or so I havebeen led to believe.”

“Oh, that isgoing to be fun.”

Nora smiled. “Iam liking Lya as an omega more and more. She’s coming into herown.”

The babystarted fussing a little, and Zelle handed her back to Olivia. Theother alphas had had to head over to the animal rescue. They hadjust gotten a shipment of rescued big cats, and all hands wereneeded to take care of them. The omegas were exempt from hard anddangerous labour, even though Olivia was a farm girl.

Zelle began tofeel the social fatigue kicking in, and Kaiyun was at her side in amoment. “Time to go?”

She nodded.

He tilted herhead back and gave her fire. The little phoenix flew around theirheads and made happy chirping sounds.

Nora and Sabinwere together, and Nora smiled gently. “Take her home. Help herrecover. Aurora is just a happy little omega and didn’t draw nearlyas much as whatever your baby is going to be. I would recommendfollowing him wherever he goes, or Kaiyun, don’t be more than tenfeet from her until she goes into labour.”

Olivia smiled.“You really want her when you are in labour, so put Nora on speeddial.”

Nora grinned.“I just make things a little easier. We will intersect a few moretimes before it becomes urgent. Kaiyun does business with Ford, andFord loves having people over now that he is a family man.”

Kaiyun liftedhis head and smiled. “That was a hard turn for him, but he did itgladly when it meant an omega of his own.”

“Omegascollecting omegas will never be a trend.”

Nora smiled. “Iknow of three. Wait. Four. All omegas and altered betas.”

Zelle blinked.“Oh. Interesting.”

Kaiyunchuckled. “Thankfully, not necessary in my case.”

She wrinkledher nose. “Home, please.”

He pressed akiss to her forehead, and they said their goodbyes. It was back tothe car and heading home a few minutes later.

She asked him,“Why do I know Cantonese, Mandarin, and Japanese with a Tokyoaccent?”

He chuckled.“How long have you had them?”

“Since... uh...the airport.”

He grinned.“Because my father is from China, and my mother is from Japan. Theymet on a business trip and somehow created an alpha. His family waspleased, her family was delighted, and I was a boy, so no wondereveryone was happy. Everybody likes phoenixes, so I was welcomedwherever I went, and my business ventures were invariablysuccessful.”


“Absolutely. Iwant you to know what a catch you have.”

“I didn’t catchyou; I propositioned you.”

“And I wasdelighted to answer your need.” He kissed her as they cuddled inthe back seat. “So, what about your family?”

“Uh, tonightwas nice. Let’s not wreck it.”