Haravin nodded.“Yes, one of those. We must be a dime a dozen.”
Olivia laughed,and Zelle looked at Haravin. “No flickers?”
“Nope. And Fordhas hauled me to the set of the Patchwork Pixie at everyopportunity, trying to rub me against the dark Elite. Nothing.”
Olivia asked,“Rubbing against?”
“He demandsstills or documents to be delivered during lunch while sitting withthe cast. I have to make my way through the crowds every day.” Shesighed. “Same thing when he is editing. At this point, I think heis just trying to find anyone to set me off. Heavy matchmakerstreak in omegas.”
Haravin glidedout of the living room and left them alone.
Nora blinkedand shook her head. “Nothing. Not one stray hormone emerges. She’salso excellent with teens. They just calm down when she walks inthe room.”
Olivia wasscandalized. “You have been setting her loose on the cousins?”
“Of course. Shecan even handle the near adults. Nothing even makes her eye tick.She is calm, graceful, and calm. No other word for it. She’s aliving oasis.”
Zelle lookedtoward the kitchen, lifted her hand to the phoenix, and asked it tocheck something. The tiny firebird flew through the room and headedfor the kitchen. There was soft laughter and then the word,“There?”
The happy chirpsounded, and the little beast flew back and landed on Zelle’sshoulder. The tiny head rubbed against hers, and she frowned at theimage. “You saw a statue?”
Olivia got upand headed to the kitchen. Zelle carried the baby, and Norafollowed.
Olivia lookedaround. “The phoenix saw a statue.”
“Sort of.”Haravin smiled.
Zelle asked.“Why did the phoenix see a statue?”
Haravin foldeda tea towel. “Because he asked the right question.”
Nora paused andasked, “What was the question?”
Haravinlaughed. “What does your other face look like?”
Olivia cockedher head. “What does your other face look like, Haravin?”
Haravinchuckled and looked at them. Her body turned into a wall of goldwith brilliant emerald eyes. Her hair was made of onyx, and hernails were mother-of-pearl. The curves were exaggerated, and theclothing she wore fit snugly against the change.
Olivia musthave alerted Ford because he bolted in, and Sabin followed withKaiyun wandering in behind.
Haravin smiledand moved slowly to prepare coffee. “So, let me know when you aredone staring. This form is slow.”
Ford walked upto her and prodded her arm. “You are solid gold.”
“Yup. And heavyas hell. Step back or lose a toe.”
“Are your lipsrose quartz?”
She smirked.“No idea. I have never chipped them off for a massspectrometer.”
Her movementswere efficient, and she said, “I am going to dismiss it in three,two, one.” She sighed and moved rapidly.
Nora blinked.“So, you don’t know what you are?”
“Nope. Not aclue. I gained a lot of weight so that flies against normal beautystandards.” She whipped around the room and finished her tasks. “Iwill just get you guys set up for the evening and keep chattingwith Iris.”
Nora frowned.“What does Iris need?”