Nora chuckled.“You are making her uncomfortable, Olly. She isn’t into women.”

“It isn’t that.This is just my face. I wear it every day.” She smiled. “He isexceptionally pretty, though. That’s why I propositioned him.”

Nora smirked.“How did that work out?”

“He made acounteroffer.” The baby on her lap began to screw up her face.Kaiyun exhaled, and the baby phoenix fluttered out and landed onZelle’s shoulder. The infant was hypnotized.

Olivia stared.“What is that?”

“That... is ababy phoenix projection. Good for distracting me or babies.”


Ambrose came byand claimed his daughter, and the guys wandered outside into thenight to show their little girls the stars.

Nora sighed.“My first pregnancy was rough, but looking at him holding her andtrying to teach her Russian swear words, I want a whole bunch ofthem.”

Zelle sighed.“I will see what happens after this one.”

Olivia paused.“I had no idea. You look a little pale but still gorgeous.”

“You can stopflattering me.”

“Can... butwon’t.”

Nora paused.“Have you told the club?”

“Not yet. Ijust got my stomach back where it belonged, but Kaiyun still has togive me energy, like Niko and Alita.”

“Are you stillfeuding with Lady Fen?”

“Yup. It is acold feud. She insulted me in front of her family, not realizingthat Kaiyun would stay here for me so that I would become part ofher society, so she is looking for a way to integrate me so thatKaiyun will attend her events. No solution yet, so I will just keepknitting and minding my own business.” She smiled.

Olivia wasserious. “How upset are you that you had your win taken awaybecause of him?”

“I am taking itout of his hide.” She smiled. “And his wallet. It’s his lovelanguage to pay for the ladies in his life, so I am keeping thatup.”

Oliviachuckled. “It was the first thing the guys did when we became apride. A purse full of money and credit cards.”

Nora smiled. “Iworked for Sabin before and after we got married, so I just got thesplit of assets. Mind you, I am not a classified omega.”

The housekeepercame by and set up a stacked tray of tiny desserts while taking theempty cups. Zelle smiled and inclined her head.

The womanbobbed a nod back.

Nora sighed.“Keelie has lasted the longest here.”

Olivia sighed.“And she’s amazing. Nothing fazes her. Even seeing us all in atangle on the couch just elicits a tiny smile.”

The woman gavea tiny smile. “I could grin, but it’s overkill. Nothing alphas andomegas can do in front of me is worth getting in a flap about.”

Nora asked,“You weren’t turned by trauma response?”

“No. I just gotbodychecked downtown while leaving an interview. After two years ofhaving my best friends screwing in front of me at our apartment,nothing happened. It turns out that since they had a beta bestfriend, they used me as a beard to keep their families fromrealizing that one of them was an omega. Once they were pregnant,they announced and moved out. I still felt nothing.”

Haravin nodded.“I don’t set alphas off, and I don’t set omegas off, so aside froma difference in internal construct, I am just a plain beta.”

Nora nodded. “Aplain beta who can lift a car.”