“How is thatcoming?”
“I am glad thebaby will be here in winter, or I would never get to use all theteeny outfits. Oh, Ford said Sabin, Nora, and Aurora will be therefor dinner, so that top-up is definitely desired.”
He smiled andkissed her the entire trip home. When they arrived, he circled thevehicle, picked her up, and carried her into the house.
The top-up wassuccessful.
She lay on topof him, and he caressed her back. “So, did you get everythingdone?”
“I did. I evensang your praises with the exception of your travel aversion.”
Zelle sighed.“I am pregnant, homeless, and broke... in my head. Internationaltravel isn’t in the cards.”
“Well, thecontract ceremony will be this weekend.”
“After the showlaunch?”
“We are doingthe taping on Thursday and are going to Ford’s on Friday night forthe broadcast.”
“Right. Well, Iam not the winner, so I am not going to be making it a latenight.”
“I am sorrythat you lost that.”
“Me, too. Itwas really hard.” She blinked. “Speaking of hard...”
He laughed. “Myqueen, I am in a fairly steady state when you are near me and nakedor clothed or hostile.”
She smiled.“Flatterer.”
They had beencleaned with fire and were getting dressed when he asked, “Do youthink there will be a time when you and Lady Fen get along?”
“We get alongnow.”
He zipped upher silk wrap cocktail dress. “I mean with fewer daggers behindyour gaze.”
“Oh. Unlikely.She did try and literally dump a barely legal omega in your lapwhile calling me a concubine.”
He sighed.“That was unfortunate.”
“That wasfucking stupid. It made me wish you hadn’t given me fire. I wouldhave been able to barf on her very pricey shoes otherwise.”
“I am sorrythat I deprived you of a weapon.” He held her hand while shestepped into heels. “I will endeavour to do better in thefuture.”
“See that youdo.” She smiled. “Gotta do my makeup. Back in five minutes.”
He nodded. “Iwill meet you downstairs.”
Zelle appliedher makeup and headed downstairs. It was time to socialize.
Zelle smiled atOlivia. “Okay, I have to ask, why are you staring?”
Oliviashrugged. “I am sorry, but I have just never seen a couple aspretty as you and Kaiyun. When you two stand together, you take mybreath away. I thought Ford was lovely, but he is a level below youtwo.”
Ford wassitting with Kaiyun, and the phoenix was holding the baby girl thatFord had delivered earlier in the year.
Zelle had herpack sister in her arms. “Uh, thank you?”
“No need forthanks. You two are just gorgeous. I could stare at you all day.”Olivia smiled and sipped at her coffee.