Venka wassoothing Lya and helping her to remain still while the last of themeasurements were taken.
While Lya waslooking at the finished clothing on mannequins, Venka went to theshopkeeper, and the man could suddenly not speak English.
Zelle laughedsoftly. Kaiyun had been specific. If she appeared in anyestablishment, he was to receive the bill. She was getting the hangof it, but it was his love language, just as making Lya feelcompletely comfortable was hers.
They went toanother shop where thigh-high boots were ordered, along with someaccessories that Venka was blocked from seeing.
Zelle sat inthe lounge area and was drinking her tea when Kaiyun walked in. Sheblinked and then smiled. “I thought you were out of town foranother two days.”
He helped herto her feet and embraced her before the kiss threatened herlipstick. “My precious queen. I love the nails and look forward tofeeling them later.”
She casuallyreached up and wiped off the lipstick. “You are really getting intothis.”
“I gave youwant you wanted, and you said you would stay. So far, the guys havesaid you have been very compliant with security.”
“Yes, threedays down and no escape attempt. It’s a record.” She smiled.
“Ford and hispride have invited us for dinner with the family. Would you care toaccompany me?” He smiled and swayed from side to side with her.
“I would loveto. My knitting is in the car.”
From across theroom, Lya burst out laughing. She was being measured for a leatherbustier. “I wondered why you were so calm.”
“Yep. It waspart of the agreement. I have a craft bag in every car, room, andeven some coats.”
“Well, thatexplains why you agreed to stay.”
It had been sixhours of negotiation and seven stops to give her enough mate fireto keep negotiating, but they came to an agreement. She would keepher phone on her at all times, not dodge her bodyguards, and agreeto dress according to his station as long as she could switch tocomfy clothing at home. Out was out, and in was in.
If she feltslightly dizzy, she was to call him and get herself to Dr. Oriel,where she would be fussed over until Kaiyun returned. She took hervitamins and herbal teas, and recorded everything she was eatingand drinking, and she had a donation account that was set to help alot of trauma centres around town. Money came easily to him, andeven though she couldn’t win, her clips were already gaining a lotof traction for the burn centre. He was passing things along tothings she cared about, but he was putting it in her hands.
The tippingpoint had been when he had brought her crafting supplies. That hadbeen the point where she began to pay attention to what he wasoffering her because he was paying attention to her.
So, now, sheknitted every time she was out of focus and felt herself relaxing.The baby was at nine weeks, and the layette made of the softestyarn was underway.
“So, Zelle,what are you getting here?”
“Oh, Lya iswith her den at long last, and as it was their guesthouse I washiding in, I thought I would get her some leather. She lovesleather.”
He looked overand stared. “She looks ill.”
“She’srecovering, but her mates don’t breathe fire. She was attacked byan alpha six weeks ago, and her arm was broken, so she’srecovering.”
“Why is Venkahere?”
“She is one ofLya’s alphas.”
“I see. Lya isinto snakes?”
“And they getinto her. It is all fun, and she is on her way to being happy.”Zelle smiled. “She’s getting her garage and all the cars she canrepair. Our kind likes to keep busy.”
“Betas turnedomegas who are good with their hands.” She winked.
He smoothed hishands down her hips, pulling her against him. “I don’t suppose youwould be interested in taking a trip home before we head out fordinner.”
“Well, you didcome home early, and that kind of behaviour deserves to berewarded.” She ran her hands up and down the thick fabric of hissuit. “Hang on. I have to talk to the shop owner and make sure itgoes on your account.”