“Yes, Iunderstand. I also understand that a woman like me waiting in thewings can restrict your social habits. So, I just want to getdressed and leave, so where are my clothes?”
He burst intoflame as he looked at her, and the seamstress screamed and backedaway. Zelle stared at him and wished she didn’t still find himpretty. The flames wrapped around her and pulled her close. “Youaren’t leaving.”
She hardenedher expression. “You are my alpha, not my employer, husband,fiancé, or even friend with benefits. We are something else, andsince you are looking forward to meeting with your new partner, Iconfirm that I have no claim on you. Nothing stated. Nothingpromised.”
He was furious.His flame had white edges. He muttered, “Get out.”
She turned andtook a few steps toward the bedroom, but he grabbed her arm. “Notyou.”
The seamstressscrambled and nodded. “Yes, sir.”
The assistantsgrabbed everything and left through the door where the familiarbodyguards were standing. She still hadn’t been introduced.
Zelle looked athim and remained calm as his beast reacted to her words. “Iunderstand that you have obligations or just want a respectablewoman. I am not, nor have I ever been, a respectable woman.”
He glared ather, softened, and said, “There is what my family has been afterfor over a decade, and what I am after is someone for me. You areperfect. He has chosen you, and we will find a place for you in mylife as I travel.”
“I don’t liketravel. I never have.”
He paused.“Really? I love it.”
“See?Differences. Just let me know when you are back in town, and we canhook up and keep the little one alive.”
“My parentswill want the child born at home.”
“It can be. Myhome.” Zelle put a hand on his chest. “If I won the competition, Iwill have something to put down on a house as well as the money forthe charity.”
He looked ather. “You know that you are not qualified to win the game? You areinvolved with someone who is part of the corporation.”
She stared athim. “What?”
“I am theshow’s investor. You were definitely involved with me before theshow commenced.”
She swallowedand staggered back. “No.”
“The charitywill receive the money that you would have provided had you won.You will not receive anything.”
Zelle nodded.“Oh. Right. Well, good for the burn unit.”
He frowned.“Why a burn unit?”
“One of myearly foster homes burned down, and the first family that was goingto adopt me was injured.” She sighed. “So, I had to wait until myforever family found me. They adopted me and I was finallysafe.”
He steppedtoward her and wrapped his arms around her. “I promise to take careof you.”
“I don’t feellike standing in the way between you and your family.”
“You speakCantonese?”
“While I don’ttravel now, I did when I was younger. I have had ten years to be alunatic around the globe.”
She exhaled andinhaled the lovely scent of him. “So, when is the wedding?”
“It isn’thappening. Do you want to go to one of the family events with me?You can meet her and see why she isn’t going to be mine.”
“Uh, that seemsvery socially intense. I am not in the mood for that.”
“You are mymate. There is no changing it.”