

“Why is Ymerfrom work here?”

“Ah, he is anold friend.”

Ymer snorted.“I am here to check on you, Iris. There were three men from theStronghold looking for you at the club tonight.”

Iris slowlyturned her head and stared at the doorway where Ymer was standingin front of Brexel. “The Stronghold? Why?”

Brexel lookedto Oren. Oren said, “I think you know.”

Iris slowlyreached up and touched her ear, tracing her fingers up to the tip.“Oh, fuck.”

Oren smirked.“So, you are an Elite?”

“Sort of. Iguess. Not Stronghold raised. My birth dad was from there, and mymom didn’t tell him about me, so I don’t know how he would know.”She frowned. “Is he the one who tried to buy me? And from who?”

Ymer smiled.“Aw, Pet, we will find out who it is and make sure they don’t comeafter you.”

She blushedscarlet.

Brexelmurmured, “Don’t tease her.”

“I am not. Thatis her name at work.” Ymer smiled. “Isn’t it, Pet?”

Iris looked toBrexel, stricken. “Yeah. I guess it is.”

Brexel elbowedYmer aside and sat on the edge of the bed near Iris’s thigh. Hetook her hand. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

She started tocry again. “I was embarrassed. Humiliated. My professor told methat I could only keep my position if he got to try a few. When Isaid no, he fired me and blacklisted me in academic circles. Icouldn’t get even a part-time position as a guidance counsellor. Iwent to the club and got to work right away. My hair faded and eyesgot weird, so I dyed my hair, did my nails, and put incontacts.”

Brexel rubbedhis thumb across the back of her knuckles.

Ymer put hishand on Brexel’s shoulder. “I am sorry, Pet.”

Oren grunted.“Are either of you two doing this?”

Ymer muttered,“Doing what?”

Brexel couldsee it. Iris’s scalp was knitting together. “Ymer, lift yourhand.”

The healingstopped.

“Back downagain.”

The healingstarted.

Iris blinked.“Why does my head itch?”

Oren chuckledand kept tracing his fingers over her scalp. “You are healing.Without us doing anything, simple contact between all four of us,you are healing.”

Iris rolled hereyes in panic. “Four? No.”

Brexelcontinued rubbing his thumb along her knuckles. “Yes. It is commonenough where we are from.”

She frowned.“Where are you from... exactly? I never did ask.”