“So, you're the one who's got Matias all riled up,” Suarez says, his voice low and menacing. “You don't look like much.”
I clench my jaw, refusing to respond.
Suarez leans in. “But I can see why he wants you. There's a fire in your eyes.” He drags a finger down my cheek, making me cringe. “Don't worry, sweetheart. We're going to have a lot of fun together.”
I glare at him. “Matias will come for me,” I say, trying to sound confident.
Suarez throws his head back and laughs, echoing through the cavernous space. “That's exactly what I'm counting on.” He leans in close again, his lips nearly brushing my ear. “And when he does, we'll be ready.”
I'm disgusted by Suarez's lecherous gaze and sickening touch, but I can't ignore the fear that grips me. Matias is the only one who can save me, but the thought of him walking straight into a trap scares me more than what these men might do to me.
“Matias will rip you apart when he finds me,” I spit, mustering courage from somewhere. “You've got no idea who you're up against.”
Suarez chuckles. “Oh, I think we do. That's why we've got a little surprise waiting for him.” He nods to one of his goons, who disappears into the shadows.
My heart hammers as I wonder what kind of trap they've set for him. Is it possible he could be walking into a massacre? The thought of him being hurt, or worse, makes me sick to the stomach.
“What are you going to do to him?" I ask.
Suarez grins, his teeth gleaming in the dim light. “You'll see. In the meantime, make yourself comfortable.” He turns to leave but pauses and looks back at me. “Try not to worry too much about your precious Matias. After all, you'll have your hands full with me.”
A shudder travels the length of my spine as he walks away, leaving me alone. I wrap my arms around myself to stave off the chill. The unsettling reality is that Suarez is just like Matias. He’s going to treat me the same way Matias did at the start, and yet the moment I set eyes on Matias, I knew there was something between us. No matter how much I tried to ignore or deny it, I’ve known for a while now that he’s my soul mate. A monster and a predator who toyed with me and my friends, but also the other half of my whole.
The thought of him being hurt or killed fills me with more fear than I’ve felt over the entire course of our relationship.
Pacing the small space, my mind races. How can I find a way to warn him? I'm trapped in this godforsaken place. My phone was taken. Weak and unable to fend for myself. The more I think about it, the more helpless I feel.
Matias will come for me, I’m sure of it. And he’s not stupid. He won’t be easily outwitted, but I know him well enough to understand his single-minded determination regarding me. He won't rest until he's tracked me down and reclaimed what he sees as his, and Suarez and his men are counting on that.
Tears sting my eyes as this is so much worse than captivity in Mexico. My friends aren’t here. Matias isn’t here. Forcing the tears away, I can't let these men see me cry. I have to be strong. If Matias does come, I’ll be ready to help him however I can.
The sound of footsteps approaching makes me tense, and I turn to see one of Suarez's goons entering the room. He holds a tray of food, which he sets in front of me.
“Eat up, sweetheart,” he says with a leering grin. “You're going to need your strength.”
I glare at him, refusing to touch the food. I won't give them the satisfaction of seeing me do as they’re told.
He shrugs. “Suit yourself.” And then he turns to leave but pauses at the doorway. “You know, Suarez is looking forward to getting his hands on you. He's got some special plans for you and your boyfriend.”
A chill runs down my spine at his words, and I have to fight the urge to vomit. The thought of Suarez and his men hurting Matias, or worse, is almost more than I can bear.
Once he disappears, I sink to the floor, my head in my hands. I need to find a way to give Matias a fighting chance against their trap.But right now, I’m coming up blank.
I can only pray that Matias is smarter than they think, that he'll see through their plan and find a way to turn the tables on them. If not, then all of us may be doomed.
Ipace back and forth, my mind racing as Thiago briefs the men on the situation with Kali’s abduction. Rage courses through my veins at the thought of that traitorous snake Suarez laying a finger on her.
“We need to find her, and fast,” I growl, slamming my fist onto the table. “If he’s harmed even a hair on her head, I’ll tear him apart with my bare hands.”
The men shift uneasily. Thiago gives me a warning look, silently urging me to control my emotions.
“Jose,” he says, turning to one of our most trusted lieutenants stateside. “You know Suarez better than anyone. Where would he take a hostage like Kali?”
Jose strokes his chin. “Knowing Suarez, he’d want to keep her somewhere isolated, away from prying eyes. Somewhere he could... handle her without interruption.”