I drop to my knees, and my stomach drops when the same guard unzips his pants. All the while, his horrible, beady eyesare fixed on me. “You,” His eyes remain on me. “Open your mouth.”
Sickness coils through me; all I can think of is Matias. The same bastard who has treated me like shit since we met, and I want him here now more than ever. He wouldn’t allow this man to do this to me if he were.
Instead of doing as I’m told, I remain frozen, staring at him.
“I said, open your fucking mouth, whore.” He steps closer, his horrible stubby little dick an inch from my mouth. He smells of body odor and stale beer. “Now.”
“Carlos! What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”Taren growls, making relief seize around my heart.
Since Taren took over our training, he has always stopped anyone from taking advantage of us, at least if he witnessed it.
Carlos steps back and stuffs his disgusting cock back in his pants. “Wanted to make sure the girls are ready.”
Taren steps forward. “That’s not your job,” he says. “I’ve already made sure they’re ready.” I notice Taren glance at us, his gaze lingering on Alice. It always does. He cares about her in his own fucked up way, just like I’m sure Matias cares for me. “To your stations,” Taren commands.
I’m thankful when the guards leave the room, especially the horrible man who tried to make me suck his cock.
Taren walks toward us. “Did they touch you?” he growls, gaze fixed on Alice.
Alice shakes her head. “No.”
“Good, or I would’ve ripped his throat out.”
Luna and I exchange glances. There’s something between Alice and Taren. According to Alice, Taren is going to stop the auction. I have no idea how. Matias didn’t mention it, so perhaps he’s not in on Taren’s plan.
“We might die,” Alice murmurs and my brow furrows as I look at them.
Taren’s jaw clenches, and he whispers something to her, but I can’t make it out.
She mutters something back.
Suddenly, Thiago appears. “Taren, it’s time.”
I notice how Thiago’s attention lingers on Luna, his jaw clenching.
“Keep your heads down when it all goes to shit,” Taren instructs before walking out.
“Is there something going on with you and Thiago?” Alice asks.
My attention moves to Luna, and she’s already blushing.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she murmurs.
“You like him?” Alice asks.
She sighs. “What the hell. I know I accused you of Stockholm Syndrome, but I’ve fallen into the trap, too.”
I tense because I know I have, too, even though Matias is the most unhinged of the three men. “Maybe I have, too,” I admit.
Alice frowns at me. “What?”
I shake my head, hugging my arms around myself because I know how wrong that is. Matias is a predator. A violent, psychopathic man who has tormented me since the moment he set eyes on me. “I don’t know. I’m feeling fucked up.”
Alice places a hand on my shoulder. “Kali, you don’t have to figure it out now. We’re all in strange waters here.”
Luna nods. “It’s okay, Kali. We’re with you, no matter what.”
I look at my friends, and tears fill my eyes. Their words mean so much, but they could never understand the inner turmoil. And I can’t find the words to reply. We all fall into silence.