I spin around with a snarl as Thiago strides into the room, his eyes flashing with irritation.
“What the hell do you want?” I snap. My hands curl into fists, the rage still simmering beneath my skin.
Thiago’s jaw tightens, but he doesn’t rise to the bait. “We’re moving the plan up. The auction can’t happen.”
I go still, my pulse kicking up. “What? Why?”
“Taren won’t let them take Alice,” Thiago says. “And I’m not about to lose Luna either.”
I stare at my brother, hardly daring to believe it. They’re stopping the auction. Which means that Kali gets to stay. Relief hits me so hard that I nearly stagger. I’ll have more time with her.
I force my expression to remain hard. I can’t show weakness, not even to my brother. “About damn time you grew a spine when it comes to that bitch Ileana.”
Thiago’s eyes flash with anger. “Watch yourself, Matias.”
I bare my teeth in mockery. “Or what? You know I’m right. We’re Acostas. We don’t get leashed by anyone.” I turn and slam my fist into the wall again, the pain centering me.
“Just be ready when I give the word,” Thiago says tightly. “We end Ileana once and for all on the night of the auction.”
He leaves without another word. I sag back against the wall, exhaling slowly. If the plan succeeds, which is a big if, Kali will stay. I’ll have all the time I need with her. The thought sends a dark thrill through me. She has no idea what’s coming for her now. I’ll break her so completely that she’ll never recover, never be anyone’s but mine.
Rolling my shoulders back and tilting my head from side to side, my neck cracks. I have preparations to make. Knowing she thinks she’ll be sold in three days, it’ll be all the sweeter when I go to Kali tonight.
Walking out of my room, I rush through the compound toward the basement.
“Whoa, watch it, Matias!” Andre laughs, holding up his hands. “Where’s the fire, man?”
I barely suppress a snarl of annoyance. I don’t have time for Andre’s pathetic attempts at camaraderie. “Out of my way,” I growl, shouldering past him.
But Andre, the fool, doesn’t take the hint. He falls into step beside me, grinning like an idiot. “Hey, I heard about the auction moving up. Tough break, losing your plaything so soon. Maybe I’ll bid on her myself, see what all the fuss is about.”
Red bleeds into my vision. Before I can even think, I have Andre slammed up against the wall, my forearm pressed against his throat. “You even look at her,” I hiss, grabbing the knife from my belt and hovering the tip over his eye. “And I’ll prick your fucking eyes out with this knife.”
Andre’s eyes bulge, his face turning a dark shade of purple. “J-Jesus, Matias,” he chokes out. “I was kidding around. You know none of us have the cash to buy those girls.”
I lean in closer, baring my teeth. “Do I look like I’m in the mood for jokes?”
He shakes his head. I hold him there a moment longer, relishing the fear in his eyes, before I release him with a disgusted shove and slip the blade back into my belt. Andre slumps against the wall, gasping for air.
“Stay the fuck away from what’s mine,” I spit at him. “Or I’ll show you exactly why they call me the Wolf.”
The desire to rip his throat out with my teeth is strong, but I ignore it and move down the hall. I got the nickname because I literally did rip a guy’s throat out with my teeth once.
The rage courses through me, hot and familiar. How dare he even suggest bidding on Kali? The thought of anyone else’s hands on her makes me want to tear this place apart with my bare hands. To paint it with the blood of every bastard in here.
Taking deep breaths, I force myself to calm down. I can’t let my temper get the best of me, not when I have such delicate work ahead tonight. Breaking Kali will require finesse and a careful balance of pleasure and pain. I can’t let my own volatile emotions interfere.
By the time I reach the door down to the basement, I’ve managed to tamp down the worst of my fury. In its place, anticipation coils tight in my gut. I allow myself a small, vicious smile. Kali has no idea what’s in store for her.
Staring up at the dark ceiling of the cell, my mind races with a thousand thoughts. The news of my impending sale at the auction in just three days has left me reeling. I can hear Luna and Alice’s soft, even breathing nearby, and I envy their ability to sleep.
My heart clenches at the thought of being torn away from my friends, the only constants in this nightmare. We’ve been through so much together and endured unspeakable horrors. The idea of facing an unknown future alone terrifies me.