Page 90 of Beast

My heart pounds while the tension in the air thickens to the point I can’t breathe. Deep down, I fear this standoff can only end badly. Tensions are high and all the men in this room are armed. They’re uneasy too, Pablo’s men are restless as they grip their weapons tighter.

“You think you can threaten me, Marques?” he growls. “I own this city. I could end you with a snap of my fingers.”

Gaston scoffs. “End me? I’d like to see you try, Estrada. You’re nothing but a two-bit thug.”

The insult lands, and Pablo’s face twists in rage. In a flash, he pulls a gun from his waistband and levels it at Gaston. My heart leaps into my throat.

“Give me one reason I shouldn’t blow your brains out right here,” Pablo hisses.

Gaston doesn’t flinch. “Go ahead,” he says evenly. “But then you’ll never get access to that money.”

Pablo wavers, and I let out a shaky breath.

The fear I feel at seeing this man point a gun at Gaston is worse than anything I’ve experienced. The idea of him getting hurt threatens to tear me apart.

Gaston presses his advantage. “Here’s how this is going to go,” he says. “You’re going to let Blake walk out that door with me. Then I’ll give you the access to the account it’s in.”

“Bullshit,” Pablo spits. “How do I know you won’t just take the girl and the money?”

“You don’t,” Gaston says coldly. “But those are my terms. Take them or leave them.”

Pablo is fuming, but he lowers the gun. I feel a rush of relief, but I know we not out of danger yet. “You are one lucky puta.”

Gaston growls, because he hates him calling me that, but I meet Gaston’s gaze and try to reassure him with one look. Let him call me what he wants as long as we get out of here alive.

“Maldito bastardo!” He spits, pacing back and forth.

His men are exchanging nervous looks. Everyone on edge and waiting for Pablo to give the order. Is he going to let me go?

He stops pacing and looks directly at Gaston. “You may have won this round, cabrón,” he snarls. “But this isn’t over. I’ll find a way to make you regret this.”

Gaston simply stares back coolly. “Let her go, Estrada,” he says, his voice low and commanding. “We have a deal. The moment you give her back, the money will be returned.”

Pablo hesitates. And I’m pretty sure everyone in the room is holding their breath. Finally he nods to the man holding me. “Get her out of my sight,” he orders through gritted teeth. The man holding me begins marching me toward Gaston and his men.

I’m scared one wrong move and everything could go to shit. My heart pounds when my eyes meet Gaston’s. He keeps cool, there’s nothing readable in his expression. All I want is to run into his arms.

The guard shoves me the last few feet and I stumble into Gaston. He steadies me, pulling me into his arms and I’ve never felt such relief.

“Let’s go home, mi reina,” he murmurs, just loud enough for me to hear. Then he turns, guiding me away from my tormentors and toward the exit. I cling to him, feeling so many emotions as the flood gates break and I sob, clawing onto him.

We step into the cool night air and I take in a deep breath. Freedom. Gaston pulled out all the stops and he got me out quickly and safely. It’s hard to believe the man who held me against my will has become my savior.

Gaston hasn’t said a word since we got into the back of the car. The silence is suffocating.

I study him, trying to understand what’s going through his mine, but his expression is inscrutable as always. The only indication of emotion is the white-knuckled grip he has on the door handle.

My mind races, wondering what he’s thinking. Is he angry at me? Disappointed? Relieved?

The tension is putting me on edge. I fidget with the buttons on my blouse, resisting the urge to speak.

I know from experience it’s better not to push Gaston when he’s in one of these moods. Still, the not knowing is maddening.

I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves. We’re safe now, I remind myself. Estrada and his thugs can’t hurt me anymore. I’m free.

So why doesn’t it feel that way? Why do I still feel so anxious and unsettled?

Maybe it’s the lack of resolution. Estrada is still out there, and surely he’ll want revenge against Gaston for stealing his money and rescuing me.