Page 89 of Beast

“Sticks and stones,” I reply breezily. “Do we have an understanding?”

I can hear Pablo grinding his teeth. “Fine. The exchange will happen at midnight.”

“Excellent. I look forward to our meeting.” I end the call, allowing myself a satisfied smile. Estrada tried to play me and failed spectacularly. Now he’ll have no choice but to return my property and slink away in disgrace.

I pick up my phone and dial Damien’s number. As usual, he answers after the first ring.

“Gaston,” he says briskly. “How can I help?”

“Assemble the team for tonight,” I tell him. “Same men as the warehouse raid. I don’t anticipate any trouble from Estrada at the exchange, but I want to be prepared.”

Damien makes a noise of affirmation. “Smart thinking. That snake might try to pull something.”

“Exactly my thoughts,” I agree. “Have the men outfitted with vests and armed to the teeth. I want us to out-gun Estrada’s crew three to one if it comes to that.”

“Consider it done,” Damien says smoothly. “What time is the meet?”

“Midnight. The abandoned airfield outside the city.”

“We’ll be ready and waiting,” he assures me.

“Good. And make sure you secure a vehicle for extracting Blake once I have her. Something fast, with bullet proof windows. I don’t want to take any chances.”

“Will do. I’ll make the necessary arrangements.”

“Excellent,” I say. “I knew I could count on you, Damien. Let’s end this thing tonight and show Estrada what happens when he crosses us.”

“With pleasure,” Damien practically purrs. I can tell he’s looking forward to it.

I end the call and lean back in my chair, steepling my fingers together. In a few hours, Blake will be back where she belongs by my side. And Estrada will learn once and for all that I’m not a man to be trifled with.



Deja-vu has never felt so terrifying. Only this time, I’m alone. My wrists are bound in front of me and they’ve kept the hood on my head. The silence is deafening, save for the occasional creak of the building.

Gaston came for me, but it backfired. Pablo is in a strong position and is blackmailing him for my life. All I can do now is wait two days here and hope all goes to plan.

The slam of a door startles me. It’s followed by heavy footsteps approaching. A rough hand grabs my arm and I’m yanked to my feet. Whoever has me doesn’t say a word while he leads me God knows where. These guards are assholes.

It’s only been a few hours since I was last dragged into Pablo’s office in front of Gaston. The guard stops suddenly and the hood is ripped from my head. My eyes strain as it’s bright. Then I see those gray eyes and the terror eases.

Why is he back so quickly?

A few of his men flank him, facing off against a group of Pablo’s armed men.

Gaston’s eyes flash when they meet mine but he remains passive in his expression. Something tells me he’s got a plan to get me out of here.

The asshole of a guard shoves me forward, making me stumble. Pablo appears from the left, sneering at Gaston.

“Stealing my cash was creative, Gaston.” Pablo runs a hand through his hair. “I’ll give you that.”

“I told you not to mess with me,” Gaston replies.

Pablo approaches me, making me tense. I notice the way Gaston clenches his fists by his sides when Pablo grabs my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. “Your boyfriend’s a clever one, puta,” he spits. “Somehow he drained my bank account and demanded your release in return for my money.”

“Pablo,” Gaston’s sharp voice cuts through the silence. “Call her puta again and see what happens,” he growls.