Pablo has the upper hand, but he wants the land from me. As long as Blake’s life hangs in the balance, I need to play along.
Pablo opens the door to an office and waves me inside. I hesitate briefly, then step past him into the spacious room. The decor is lavish but tasteful, with dark wood furnishings and ornate rugs.
Pablo circles around the large desk and takes a seat in a leather chair. He gestures to the seat across from him. “Please, have a seat, Gaston.”
I sit slowly, my muscles taut. Pablo laces his fingers on the desk and regards me with an infuriating smile.
“I’m so glad we can discuss this like civilized men,” he says.
My hands curl into fists under the desk. I force myself to unclench them. As much as I want to leap across this desk and throttle him, I need to restrain myself for Blake’s sake.
“Let’s cut to the chase,” I reply coldly. “What do you want?”
Pablo raises an eyebrow. “Straight to business then. Very well.” He leans forward, steepling his fingers. “It’s quite simple really. I want your land.”
I shake my head. “That land is worth over fifty million dollars. You really think I’m going to hand it over to you?”
“For the girl’s life? Yes, I do,” Pablo says matter-of-factly.
My blood turns to ice in my veins. The implied threat hangs heavy in the air between us.
“So, we have a deal?”
I clench my jaw, barely containing the rage boiling within. “That land is worth far more than the girl,” I reply coldly, buying time while my mind races. There has to be another way.
Pablo shrugs. “Perhaps to most. But I’m not the one hopelessly obsessed with some little blonde puta.” He smirks. “We both know you’d pay any price to get her back safely.”
I dig my fingernails into my palms under the desk. How dare he talk about her that way.
Pablo leans back in his chair. He knows he has me cornered. “Well, Gaston? I’m waiting.”
I force myself to take a slow breath. “I want proof of life first,” I say evenly. “I’m not handing over anything until I know Blake is unharmed.”
Pablo considers this for a moment, then nods. He picks up the phone on his desk and punches in a number.
“Bring the girl to my office. Now.”
He sets down the phone. “Proof of life, as requested.”
The rage within feels like a living entity I struggle to control. When I get Blake back, Estrada will pay for this in blood. I’ll?—
The door opens. Two armed guards enter with Blake between them. My heart leaps into my throat at the sight of her. Disheveled with bruises on her wrists, but otherwise unharmed.
Our eyes meet across the room. Relief floods through me, mixed with a fresh wave of possessive anger. Estrada will regret the day he took what’s mine.
“Satisfied?” Pablo asks wryly.
I nod, not taking my eyes off Blake. “For now. But if you hurt her...”
He holds up a hand. “Please, there’s no need for threats. I’m a businessman, like yourself. Cooperate, and she’ll remain unharmed.”
“I want time to have my lawyers draw up the land transfer paperwork,” I say evenly. “Forty-eight hours.”
Pablo considers this and nods. “Very well. Forty-eight hours, and then I expect everything to be in order.” He stands. “A pleasure doing business with you.”
Two guards grab my arms and haul me out. While they escort me down the hall, I drink in the sight of Blake until she disappears from view.
Don’t worry, mi reina, I’ll rescue you if it’s the last thing I ever do.