I watch Blake stir from her slumber, her eyelids fluttering open as consciousness returns. She looks at me, her blue eyes still clouded with sleep.
“Did you say something?” she murmurs, her voice husky.
I shake my head, stroking her hair gently. “No, mi amor. Just watching my beautiful girl sleep.”
She seems to accept this, nuzzling into my hand. But then her eyes fly open wide, panic flashing across her face.
“Oh my god, what time is it?” she gasps, bolting upright. “I’m going to be late for class!”
I can’t help but chuckle, watching her scramble from the bed, hurrying to gather her clothes.
“Relax,” I say. “It’s not as late as you think. I’ll drive you to campus, we’ll get you there in plenty of time.”
She pauses, looking back at me uncertainly. I give her a reassuring smile. “Trust me. I won’t let you be late. Now come, I’ve got some clothes for you.”
“Clothes?” she questions.
“Well I’m not going to let you go to class in that sexy as fuck dress you wore last night, am I?” I tilt my head. “I brought some of the clothes from the penthouse back here in case you stayed the night.”
She nods, following me to the closet. I pass her a pair of jeans and a pretty yet conservative blouse. I pull on my own clothes, then guide her out the door of the hotel, my hand pressed against the small of her back.
While we drive to campus, she fidgets nervously, checking the time every few minutes. I reach over and take her hand, stroking my thumb over her knuckles.
“See? No need to worry,” I say when we pull up in front of campus. “Now go learn something brilliant, mi amor. I want to see you later, can I pick you up?”
She smiles. “Yes, I’d like that.” She leans over and kisses my cheek. “See you later, sir,” she murmurs a seductive tone to her voice, and then she’s gone, hurrying up the steps of the building.
I watch her until she disappears inside, marveling at how perfectly she fits into my life. Pulling away from the curb, apart of me already yearns to have her by my side again. This woman has become my whole world in such a short time.
My musings are interrupted by the shrill ringing of my cell phone. I glance down to see it’s Damien calling. I growl under my breath before answering.
“This better be important,” I snap. “I just left Mexico yesterday, Damien.”
“Lo siento, jefe, but we’ve got a situation,” Damien says, his voice tense. “There’s been an accident at the construction site for the new office complex. A fire started last night and the whole thing is condemned.”
I grip the steering wheel tightly, rage boiling up inside me. This was no accident. I know exactly who’s behind it—Pablo Estrada. He’s trying to send me a message, attempting to interfere in my business.
“Pinche cabrón,” I curse. “This wasn’t a fucking accident and we both know it. Estrada is behind this, trying to get back at me for rejecting his offer on my land.”
Damien sighs. “I assumed as much. What should we do?”
I consider for a moment before responding. As much as I want to stay here with Blake, duty calls.
“I’ll come back for the weekend to deal with this personally,” I decide. “Have the jet ready tonight, I’ll leave as soon as I can. We need to send our own message to Estrada—one he won’t soon forget.”
“Understood. I’ll make the arrangements,” Damien says.
I end the call, pounding my fist against the steering wheel. My anger at Estrada is at war with my longing to remain here with Blake.
Taking a deep breath, I dial Blake’s number while I head back toward the hotel.
“Hello, is everything okay, my class is about to start?”
“Mi amor, change of plans,” I say breezily. “I need to fly back to Mexico for the weekend to deal with some business. Come with me tonight, I’ll have you back in plenty of time for Monday’s classes.”
I hold my breath, awaiting Blake’s response, hoping beyond hope that she agrees to accompany me back to Mexico for the weekend. I know she may be reluctant, given our complicated history, particularly since I held her captive in my penthouse. No doubt the memories give her pause.
“I don’t know...” she says slowly, and I can hear the hesitation in her voice. “Mexico just brings up a lot of difficult shit for me, you know?”