She growls softly before turning her attention back to her food. We finish our meal in relative silence with a bit of small talk here and there, but the tension between us remains. I know that Ileana is suspicious of me, but I don’t care. I’m not afraid of her. In fact, I’m looking forward to watching the other cartel leaders take her down.
She’s been a thorn in the side of Mexico’s elite for too long, and it’s time for her to go.
Gray cold eyes haunt my mind as I pace the floor frantically. Eyes belonging to a man so handsome it’s hard to believe he’s real.
“What are we going to do? That fucking bastard is going to buy me!”
Kali and Alice exchange a look. They don’t think I notice but I do. There’s nothing that can be done. We’re about to be torn apart far earlier than I expected.
“Let’s try the vent again,” Luna suggests, staring up at the air vent which Alice tried climbing out of.
Alice shakes her head. “We’ve got no chance of getting out of there. It was too tight once I actually stuck my head up. We’d probably all end up stuck.”
Kali joins me pacing. “We can’t just let him take her. We have to fight this!”
“If we fight, all four of us will end up dead or worse. Fighting these people will only make our situation unbearable,” Alice points out, always the voice of reason. Out of all of us, she’s the one with the level-head no matter the situation.
Kali shakes her head. “So, what’s the option? Let that guy take her?”
Luna grabs Kali’s hand, squeezing. “This is about survival now.” She glances at me. “And Blake is strong.”
I nod because Luna is right about that. There’s no way I’m going down without a fight. “I’ll try my best to escape and rescue you guys.”
“We make a pact right now. Whoever gets out first comes to rescue the others, okay?” Luna suggests.
We all nod and place our hands in a circle together. While it’s a show of solidarity, I can’t deny I’m skeptical of our pact ever working out. Who are we kidding? The likelihood is I’ll never see my friends again. A pain claws at my throat but I ignore it. This isn’t the time to breakdown.
“We’re in this together, to the bitter end,” Kali announces. “We survive, we escape, we come back for the each other. Remember, we’re stronger than they think we are.”
A stark silence falls over us after that. All of us breaking apart to either pace the floor or sit on the hay bales. I can’t sit. The energy inside me is too restless.
Time seems to crawl by as I wait. Expecting my new owner to return and claim me. After a while, I hear footsteps approaching. My stomach sinks when Matias appears on the other side of the bars.
“Looks like Gaston has a liking for blondes. Blake has been purchased which means I need to get her ready.”
My stomach churns as flashbacks of him shoving his cock down my throat resurface the moment his dark eyes meet mine.
The tension in the air is so thick you could slice through it with a knife. Out of nowhere, Alice lunges at Matias. “Not so fast, creep!” It’s completely unlike her, but Matias barely even flinches as he brings a heavy hand down across her face, slamming her into the floor. “Don’t try anything else,” he warns, gazing at the rest of us.
Kali ignores his warnings and punches him in the stomach while he’s focused on me. Luna joins in a kicks him in the shin. All I can do is stare both moved and shocked that my friends are risking their lives for me.
Matias growls at Luna before turning his attention to Kali. He lifts her and pushes her against the wall, yanking her dress up. Kali’s body stiffens when he whispers something into her ear, and I can only imagine what kind of disgusting, lewd things he’s saying since I’ve been in a similar position.
We’ve been “trained” for six days now in total. Yesterday, the decided to make us suck their cocks all at the same time. Although Matias used me and Kali simultaneously. But what no one realizes is that he’s been using me and Kali personally too, at night or early morning. I’ve pretended to be asleep when he’s taken Kali from the cell. The guy is a psychopath and he needs to be locked up.
Matias’s hand move to cup her pussy and she whimpers, utterly powerless and held against the wall by the beast of a man. Alice jumps to her feet again, a look of pure rage twisting her features. “Get off her, you sick bastard!” she screams, running at him again.
Matias doesn’t hit her this time, he simply laughs and keeps Kali pinned to the wall. I’ve never seen Alice so angry before.
The sound of someone clearing their throat draws all of our attention to the cell door. Taren. There’s a look of pure rage in his eyes. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Matias?”
Matias’ eyes widen and he glances at Taren. Suddenly that callous smirk is nowhere to be found and he releases Kali. She gasps for breath, sliding down the wall to the floor.
“I was asked to retrieve the girl,” Matias growls, his eyes glinting dangerously. “Which means I’ll do it however I see fit. It’s none of your business.”