Page 74 of Beast

Kali nods eagerly. “I’m so down! We need a girls’ night out. Are you into this Liam guy, though? Don’t want him getting the wrong idea.”

I roll my eyes as I grab a soda from the fridge. “Don’t worry, he’s harmless. Just a normal college guy looking to party. Not really my type anyway.”

“Uh huh, so you’re not into the whole clean cut, boy next door thing anymore?” Kali teases.

“Oh stop,” I retort, feeling my cheeks flush. “This has nothing to do with him. I’m just not interested in Liam.”

“Mhm sure,” Luna says sarcastically. “So tall, dark, and psychotic is still on your mind then?”

I glare at her over my soda can. “Absolutely not. I already told you guys I want nothing to do with him.”

Kali and Luna exchange a look that makes it clear they don’t believe me.

“Anyway,” I continue, “are we going to this party or not tonight?”

“I’m so down!” Kali says excitedly. “We need to get dressed up. I call dibs on the bathroom first!”

She darts off down the hall toward the bathroom.

Luna chuckles and shakes her head. “I’m excited too. We could all use a carefree night out. We’ll just have to convince Alice to untangle herself from Taren for one night. Those two are fucking inseparable.”

I nod in agreement. A night out is exactly what I need to get my mind off of certain things. Things I definitely should not be thinking about anyway.

“Ooh, let’s pregame a little!” Luna suggests, heading to the liquor cabinet. “Shots?”

“Yes, please!” I say enthusiastically. The slight buzz will help me relax.

Luna pours out two shots of vodka and passes one to me. “Cheers to a girls’ night out,” she says.

We clink our glasses together and throw back the shots. The alcohol burns going down but immediately starts to warm my veins.

Yeah, a night out dancing and letting loose with my best friends is exactly what I need. No more thinking about intense gray eyes and strong, commanding hands. I just want to have fun like a normal college girl again.

Luna pulls me in for a hug. “We’re gonna have the best time tonight!”

I grin and hug her back. “Let’s party!”

Kali emerges from the bathroom, already dressed. “Come on, bitches! Let’s get you all dressed up too. Tonight is gonna be wild!”

We head to my bedroom giggling, ready for a carefree girls’ night. I push away any lingering dark thoughts, determined to enjoy myself and stop over-analyzing everything. The party awaits. Time to forget about the sociopath who has taken up residence in my brain.



The wheels of the jet finally hit the tarmac and I let out a deep sigh of relief. This past week in Mexico has been nothing short of torture without Blake. Though it was necessary for me to get the board off my back, each day dragged on endlessly. I longed to be close to her again.

Now, while the plane taxis toward the terminal, I feel a swell of anticipation in my chest. Soon, I’ll be reunited with my precious girl once again. I’ve missed her and being away from her has only intensified my craving.

I need to feel her soft skin under my hands, hear those sharp intakes of breath whenever I caress that sensitive spot on her neck. The desire to pin her down and take her repeatedly until she’s a whimpering, shaking mess beneath me is overwhelming.

The plane stops and I gather my belongings, eager to get through customs and to my car. The drive to her apartment can’t go fast enough, and each red light is pure agony. All I can think about is throwing open her door, pulling her into my arms and crushing my mouth against hers.

When I finally pull up outside her building, I have to take a moment to collect myself before going up. I need to remain in control, smoothing my shirt, I run a hand through my hair and head inside.

My heart pounds while I ride the elevator to her floor. I knock sharply on her door, barely able to contain my smile. No one answers the door, leaving me irritated.

Where is she? It’s nine o’clock at night.