I’ve been reduced to stalking her, watching my prize from afar because after that night, she closed off to me and refuses to let me get close. And it’s driving me crazy.
Every day I send her flowers, a dozen red roses delivered right to her door. And every day, without fail, I watch on the hidden cameras as she angrily grabs the bouquet and tosses it straight into the trash. She doesn’t even stop to smell them.
Blake is feistier than any woman I’ve ever known, more stubborn too. She has a fighter’s spirit, one that refuses to break, refuses to submit. In many ways, she reminds me of myself. I’ve met my match in her, the one person unwilling to bend to my will.
Perhaps that only makes me want her more. There’s an allure to the chase, to the challenge she presents. She is a prize worth fighting for, worth earning.
I watch Blake while she exits the university, golden hair spilling over her shoulders. She has a natural beauty about her, effortless and free. Her eyes, though, they look tired, haunted almost. Is it possible she longs for me the way I ache for her? Could it be my absence pains her as much it pains me?
My fingers curl around the steering wheel, knuckles white. I want nothing more than to go to her, to pull her into my arms and breathe in her sweet scent. To feel her soft skin under my fingertips, her lips crushed against mine. I know I could overpower her if I wished, but that would only push her further away.
Blake pauses on the sidewalk, glancing around warily. She knows I’m always watching, always nearby. I wonder if she feels my presence. Her shoulders straighten with determination and she continues on her way.
My phone buzzes and I glance down to see a text from Damien. The board is growing impatient, questioning my extended absence. I ignore it. Blake is my sole focus. I’ll make her see that she belongs with me, that we’re destined to be together. All other matters are secondary. For now, I can only watch and wait for her resistance to crack.
Blake enters a small cafe on the corner, the one she frequents nearly every day. She looks comfortable there, familiar with the baristas who greet her. I know I shouldn’t follow her inside and keep my distance as she requested, but it’s been one week since I’ve heard her voice, since I’ve been close enough to catch her scent—one week too long.
Before I can stop myself, I’m out of the car and crossing the street, the little bell above the door announcing my arrival. Blake stands in line, back toward me, posture rigid as if she can sense my presence already.
I clear my throat and step up behind her. “Hello, Blake.”
She stiffens, shoulders tensing, but doesn’t turn around. I wait, resisting the urge to reach out and run my fingers through her golden waves. Finally she faces me, blue eyes flashing.
“What are you doing here?” Her tone is sharp but I detect a slight quiver. She’s affected by my nearness.
I offer a disarming smile. “Getting a coffee, same as you. Thought we could sit and have a chat.”
Her eyes narrow. “I’ve got nothing to say to you.”
“I thought we had a good time at dinner. Why the cold shoulder?”
Her eyes flash and she opens her mouth only to shut it again. The barista calls Blake’s name, sliding her usual chai latte and lemon pound cake across the counter. She grabs them hastily, brushing past me toward the door. I snag her elbow before she can flee, leaning in close.
“Please, just give me five minutes. Let me buy you lunch.” My voice drops lower. “Don’t run away again, baby girl.”
Blake inhales sharply at the term of endearment, the one I would whisper in her ear while I fucked her. Heat flares in those aquamarine irises before she wrenches out of my grasp.
“Leave. Me. Alone.” Each word is bitten off, venomous. Then she’s gone, the tinkling bell signaling her exit.
I stand frozen, hands clenched. So close, and yet so far. Standing in line at the cafe, I’m still reeling from my encounter with Blake. Her rejection stings, but also makes me want her even more. While I wait to order, my phone rings in my pocket. I glance down to see it’s Damien. With a sigh, I answer.
“What is it, Damien?”
“Gaston, we need to talk. The board is threatening to replace you as CEO if you don’t return to Mexico today. I’ve done what I can, but they’re serious this time.”
I rub my temple, irritation flaring. The board has been hounding me nonstop since I came to the States.
“I’ll return when I’m ready,” I state firmly. “Blake and I still have unfinished business.”
Damien sighs heavily. “Gaston, be reasonable. You know how volatile the board can be. If you lose your position as CEO, you’ll have far less sway over company matters. Is one woman really worth all this?”
I open my mouth to argue but then pause. He has a point. Perhaps some distance from Blake would be beneficial for us both. If I return to Mexico for a week or two, occupy myself with work, it’ll make her see what she’s missing. My absence could very well make her heart grow fonder.
“Fine,” I concede. “Make arrangements for the jet to bring me back this evening. But I won’t stay away from the States long.”
“Of course. I’m sure the board will be placated with your presence, at least temporarily.”
I end the call while the barista takes my order. I collect my coffee, considering the possibilities. This involuntary separation could work in my favor. By the time I return, Blake may be craving my touch the way I ache for hers.