“I’m not sure I know how to dance the waltz,” I say.
His hand rests on the small of my back and he smirks. “Don’t worry, just let me take the lead.” And then he moves me into the steps and I do let him lead. Allowing him to guide me across the polished marble.
For a moment I forget about my escape. Forget that this man purchased me. I lose myself in the music, in the feeling of his strong arms guiding me effortlessly. The rest of the room fades away until it’s just the two of us, spinning and gliding.
The song ends and Gaston dips me back gracefully. When he pulls me upright, our faces are mere centimeters apart. For a split second I think he might kiss me. Instead he simply smiles and says “Not bad, beautiful. You’re a natural.”
Before I can respond, he takes my hand and leads me off the dance floor. The spell broken, I shake off the unsettling emotions swirling within me. This event is another smoke screen. I can’t forget who he is.
Gaston may be dangerously charming, but he’s a beast beneath a beautiful facade. There’s still a chance I can slip away unnoticed at some point tonight. And when that opportunity comes, I’ve got to be ready.
Blake’s hand feels small and delicate in my own as we make our way through the crowded ballroom. Mexico’s elite are all drawn here, but everyone pales in comparison to the beauty on my arm. Her nearness is a constant thrill—addictive in fact.
Suddenly, I feel eyes on us and my attention moves to Pablo standing across the room. His lips curl into a sly smile when our eyes meet. No doubt he wants to speak to me about my land again. I’ve got nothing to say to him.
“Let’s get some air,” I suggest, leading her toward the balcony.
She follows but I don’t miss the way her eyes dart around the room. Something tells me she secretly hopes for a chance to slip away and escape. There’s no chance I’m letting her go anywhere.
It’s a cool night. Below us, the city sprawls out in an expanse of lights. Blake walks away from me toward the railing, gazing out at the skyline. This girl is something else. I approach her and place my hands gently on her hips, making her tense. “I can’t get over how utterly breathtaking you are,” I murmur into her ear.
She turns to face me so I’ve got her caged in my arms against the railings, her beautiful lips parting temptingly. Her eyes look even more striking as they reflect the lights around us. “A breathtaking possession that you own,” she says flatly.
I grip her chin between my fingers. “You’re far more than that, nana.”
She jerks her face away. “Stop it.”
I tilt my head. “So spirited. I do love that about you. What exactly is it you want me to stop?”
“Acting like a charming human being when deep down you’re a monster,” she spits.
She’s conflicted over her feelings for me. It’s natural. And now, she’s lashing out. “It may surprise you, but I have the capability to be a human being. In fact, I care about your well-being.”
Blake scoffs. “You don’t care about anything but yourself. You bought me!”
“I saved you,” I correct. “From a far worse fate.” It’s the truth. Blake wouldn’t like to know where her friends might end up. But I know from past auctions that Ileana has held that some of the men that would purchase those girls would subject them to fates far worse than Blake. A few of the men Ileana invites are gang leaders and they like to make the girls they buy fuck all of their men at the same time. Often, they end up discarded in a ditch, practically fucked to death.
Blake opens her mouth and then closes it, conflict passing through those beautiful eyes. There’s no denying the truth, while I might punish her like last night, with me she’s protected. Not used and tossed aside like a piece of trash.
“Let’s enjoy the gala. There’s no need to continue this discussion.”
When I turn to leave, my stomach dips. Pablo is in the doorway to the balcony, watching us. His eyes flick between me and my girl. I stiffen when I see his eyes dilate with desire. He won’t be going anywhere near her, or I’ll be committing third degree murder right here in a public gala.
“Gaston,” he purrs, reaching for my hand. His grip is crushing. “So good to see you again.”
I force a tight smile. “And you, Pablo.”
His attention shifts to Blake, looking her up and down. “And who is this lovely creature?”
Blake inches closer to me.
Good girl.
I place an arm around her back, pulling into my side. “This is Blake,” I reply through gritted teeth. “My date.”