Irritation coils through me as there’s only one woman I want by my side tonight. And that’s the little vixen asleep in my bed. I’d love to parade Blake around in a gorgeous fucking dress, showing everyone she belongs to me.
Anticipation thrums through me. I stand and walk toward the bedroom, pushing open the door carefully and step inside, my eyes immediately drawn to Blake sleeping peacefully beneath the comforter. The gentle rise and fall of her bare chest where the comforter has slipped down is mesmerizing.
It’s hard not to admire her like this. Her lips are slightly parted looking so fucking kissable. Grinding my teeth together, I push that thought from my mind since kissing isn’t something I ordinarily indulge in, but with Blake, it feels like it’s a necessity. As though I can’t get enough of her unless my mouth is against hers, drinking her in.
There’s something odd about my beauty. In sleep, she’s so peaceful. However, whenever she’s awake she’s restless and erratic. I’ve noticed the way she can’t focus on one task for too long and flits about from one thing to the next. Initially I assumed it was anxiety in her new surroundings, but I can’t help but wonder if there’s something more to it.
Lowering myself to the edge of the bed, I reach out and tuck a stray lock of golden hair behind her ear, allowing my fingers to ghost the soft skin of her cheek. Blake stirs slightly, a soft sigh escaping her lips and her brow furrowing a little. She’s dreaming. I wonder what her dreams are filled of.
Does she dream of me? And why do I ever care?
There’s one thing for sure, this girl is dangerous.
“Blake,” I say her name softly.
Her eyes flutter open. Those gorgeous bright blue eyes. And when she sees me, there’s a flash of deep desire in them that makes my heart skip a beat. She yawns and stretches her arms above her head, forgetting she’s stark naked. The movement draws my gaze to her beautiful breasts. This woman is under my skin like no other.
She blushes and pulls the comforter up to hide herself.
I grab her wrist. “Don’t hide from me, beautiful.”
Releasing the comforter, she clears her throat. “What time is it?”
“Eleven,” I murmur, reaching out and dragging my finger along the swell of her breasts. “Did you sleep well?”
Her eyes dilate further. “I did, actually. I feel rested.” There’s a hint of surprise in her voice.
Finally getting her release after denying herself it since she arrived here no doubt helped her sleep. She was exhausted after she washed and fell fast asleep before I returned to the bedroom.
“Good. I have something I want to discuss with you.”
Her brow furrows. “What is it?”
“There’s an event tonight that I’m expected to attend.” I pause, gauging her reaction. “I’d like you to be by my side.”
There’s a flicker of excitement in her eyes, no doubt because she’s been begging me to let her out of this apartment since she arrived. “Really? I’d get out of this apartment?”
“Yes, however I’m not sure I can trust you yet.”
She bites her lip. “You can. I’ll be on my best behavior.”
“There’ll be important people there. If you make a scene it’ll reflect badly on me.”
“I promise, Gaston.” She leans toward me and places a hand on my thigh, way too close to my cock which is still solid. “I’ll be good. All I want is to get some air and come with you.”
I can’t help but chuckle. “Alright, beautiful. But I mean it, no causing a scene and no trying to run off.” I cup her chin, tilting her face upward. “Understood?”
“Understood, sir,” she breathes, her eyes shining with determination. “I’ll be on my best behavior.”
If Blake is trying to play me, I don’t detect it in her eyes. “Very well. We leave at seven o’clock tonight. Ensure you’re ready and pick a ball gown out of the dresses in the closet.” Leaning closer, my breath ghosting against her lips. “And Blake?”
“Yes, sir?”
My cock swells every time she calls me that. She’s already being so submissive and I love it.
“Make sure it’s not too revealing. Your body is for my perusal only, understood?”
“I understand,” she breathes, nostrils flaring as she inches closer to me.