Taren steps forward, his face a mask of controlled rage. “It became my business when you laid your hands on them,” he retorts, his voice icy cold.
Someone follows him inside. Those eyes cut to mine and it feels like my world crumbles. It’s the man who bought me. His gray gaze is fixated on me for a few beats, stealing all the air from my lungs.
Why the fuck would a man like him need to buy women?
He turns his attention to Matias, giving me a welcome reprieve. “And, I don’t like the way you’re treating the assets I’m paying for.”
Matias growls. “You’re only buying one and I didn’t touch her.”
He strides toward Matias, a confidence in his step. “Maybe not on this occasion, but if you treat the girls this way once. You’ll do it all the time.” He runs a hand through his thick, dark brown hair. “Perhaps I shall cancel my sale and tell Ileana I don’t like the way her men are treating the assets I’m paying top dollar for.”
It’s amusing to see the fear in Matias’ eyes. He backs off and bows his head. “I apologize. It won’t happen again.”
The man walks toward Matias, his gray-blue eyes assessing him. Despite his completely put together look, I sense it’s a disguise. There’s a monster lurking beneath his pristine exterior too.
Suddenly, he grabs Matias by the throat, squeezing so hard his eyes bug out of his skull. “Perhaps I should just murder you right here and now. As I’m not a fool. You’ve put your hands on my asset more than once since she arrived here, haven’t you?”
Matias struggles to draw in air, grabbing the man’s wrists. An odd gratitude coils through me seeing this man harm the man who has put me through so much shit. Although, I sense it will be just as bad with him.
Taren clears his throat. “Gaston, please release my man.”
That’s the name of my new owner. A shiver races down my spine.
He doesn’t comply immediately, but after a few moment he releases Matias. There’s a sinister smile on his lips. “Your man needs to learn his place, Taren.” He adjusts his cufflinks which appears to be solid gold with diamonds. “As for the asset...” His cold gaze moves to me and I can hardly think, let alone move under his intense gaze.
That’s what he keeps calling us. That’s what he views me as.
“I trust she’ll be worth every penny.” His gaze lingers a moment before he turns and walks out of the cell.
Weakness wins out the moment he’s gone and a stray tear escapes my eyes. I see Alice notice, and I quickly brush it away, not wanting my friends to see how upset I am.
Blake is strong.
That’s what Luna said, and I always believed I was, but this situation is testing me to my limits.
“That son of a bitch almost killed me,” Matias growls.
“About time someone taught you a lesson,” Taren replies, but he’s not looking at Matias. He’s looking at Alice. “Did you strike Alice?”
Matias growls at him. “What the fuck is with your obsession with Alice?”
“Did you strike her?” he repeats the question.
Matias folds his arms over his chest. “She fucking came at me. So, I stopped her.”
That is true, but he was brutal with her. That’s why she’s got a bruise on her face already.
Suddenly, Taren’s cool and calm demeanor morphs and he knocks Matias to the ground with a swift punch. His fists are a blur as they connect with Matias’s face again and again. “You don’t touch her,” he hisses through gritted teeth, pommeling him.
Matias tries to fight but Taren overpowers him. It’s as if he’s not human as each punch Matias lands, Taren shows no sign of pain of slowing down. Once the ground is painted in blood, Taren pulls back with raw and bleeding knuckles.
Taren looks at me. “Come with me, now.”
“Can I at least give my friends a hug goodbye?”