We walk in and the moment I see my closest friends gathered around a large table, smiles lighting up their faces, some of the hurt eases.
Kali jumps up to hug me. “There she is! I’m so proud of you.”
I grin, squeezing her tightly. “Proud of you too!”
Alice and Luna get up too and we share a group hug. This might be the last time we’re all together for a while.
“We’re starving. Let’s order!” Luna says.
I nod in response taking my seat beside Gaston. Kali sits beside Matias who still creeps me out. However they seem to be happy together as Matias drapes an arm over Kali’s shoulder.
Luna smiles at Thiago and I notice her slide her hand into his on the table.
Alice sits beside Taren looking more vibrant and confident than I’ve ever seen her while Taren leans toward her and kisses her cheek.
Gaston’s hand slides onto my thigh, squeezing possessively.
“Let’s order a few bottles of champagne,” Gaston says.
Luna raises a brow. “If you’re paying, I can’t afford champagne.”
Gaston chuckles. “Of course. Taren and I agreed to split the bill.”
Kali nods. “Then, let’s get the most expensive champagne on the menu,” she jokes.
“Go ahead,” Gaston says smoothly. After all, he’s not exactly short on cash.
The waiter comes and Gaston orders three bottles of their most expensive champagne. When it comes, we all toast to our futures and fall into a comfortable conversation.
It’s hard to believe how far we’ve come. A year ago, we were prisoners of a cartel thinking we may never be free again. Now we sit with the men who took part in our capture. It’s a little ironic. But now we’re here, free and in love, celebrating our graduation together.
“A toast!” Thiago declares, raising his glass. “To new beginnings.”
“To new beginnings,” we echo, clinking our glasses.
Matias as always doesn’t join in but he does clink his glass with ours. Gaston’s arm encircles my waist and I lean into him contentedly. There’s still much uncertainty ahead. Painful goodbyes to come, while we all prepare to start our new lives after Brown.
But for tonight, none of that matters. Tonight is about celebrating our successes and our friendship. We’ve got unbreakable bonds and that won’t change no matter where our paths lead next.
Kali nudges my shoulder. “No parents?” She asks.
I swallow hard, shaking my head. “No, I told them about Gaston and let’s say they weren’t exactly thrilled.” I glance at the two empty chairs at the table, because we’d invited them to dinner.
She winces in sympathy. “Yikes. I can’t say I blame them though. If I told my parents I was moving to another country to live with an older boyfriend I’ve only known for ten months...”
“They’d completely lose it,” Matias finishes. “But hey, you’re an adult. You don’t need their permission.”
“That’s what I told them,” I say. “I just hope in time they’ll come to accept it.”
Luna reaches over the table and gives my hand a comforting squeeze. “They will. Just give them time to process.” Her eyes twinkle mischievously. “Besides, once they get to know Gaston better, how could they not love him?”
Gaston chuckles. “I don’t know about that, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
His arm tightens around my waist. “Your parents care about you. They want you to be safe and happy. We’ll win them over eventually.”
I smile at him, leaning into the solid warmth of his body. Conversation flows easily around the table while we continue to celebrate. Kali tells the guys funny stories from our years at college, while Luna tells us about the coding job she recently landed in California.
“I’m so proud of you!” I tell her, beaming. “That startup is lucky to have you.”