Page 35 of Beast

Pablo continues to leer at her like she’s a juicy steak. Clearly he assumes she’s just another one of my playthings who I won’t care about him objectifying, but Blake is so much more. The thought angers me.

“She’s quite lovely, Gaston,” Pablo purrs. “I don’t suppose you’d be interested in sharing? I could make it worth your while.”

My hands clench into fists. How dare he ask me that?

There’s no world in which any man is ever going near Blake. I feel her nestle closer to my side and it makes pride swell in my chest. Such a good girl.

“Careful, Pablo. My girl belongs to me and me alone,” I growl, knowing that getting physical with a drug lord at a charity gala would be a bad idea. But my muscles are so tightly bunched. I want to murder him for even suggesting it.

Pablo quirks an eyebrow. “Come on, Gaston. I know that you aren’t possessive over your playthings. And I could show her things even you haven’t thought of.”

Red clouds my vision and for the first time in my life, I’m very close to losing control. Releasing Blake and pushing her behind me, I get into his face. “Let me make this clear once and only once,” I growl. “She’s off limits. Completely and utterly mine. She’s not a whore to be passed around. And if any fucking idiot even thinks of placing a finger on her, I’ll murder him with my bare hands. Got it?”

There’s a flash in Pablo’s eyes and he smirks, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “My mistake. I meant no offense.”

It’s at that moment I realize I’ve shown him my cards. Blake means something to me and I’ve just declared that to a very dangerous man who wants my land. Even so, I can’t back down now.

“If I ever discover you so much as look at her the wrong way, you’ll learn exactly why people fear crossing me.”

Pablo stares at me, undeterred. “Duly noted.”

I stare him down coldly before turning and guiding Blake away, my hand returning to her hip.

“I’d reconsider my offer, if I were you,” Pablo calls after me. “Two can play at this game.”

I whirl around, hands clenching into fists. “Don’t threaten me!” I hiss. “You’ve got no claim on that land. Don’t test me, Pablo.”

With that, I steer Blake back into the ballroom. She’s glancing at me curiously. Perhaps surprised at my show of rage at him objectifying her. “You’re mine,” I explain, pulling her to a stop and gazing into her eyes. “Never forget that. And anyone who tries to touch what’s mine will die at my hands.”

Blake’s eyes flood with a mix of fear and arousal. The darkness within me scares her as much as excites her.

We move through the ballroom and Blake pulls me to a stop to grab a canapé, popping it into her mouth. “Would you like one?”

I nod and she picks it up, giving me a sensual look as she brings it to my lips. Fuck. This girl needs to become mine tonight in every sense of the word. I’m done waiting to claim her.

Blake’s attention shifts behind me and I see Pablo has also returned to the ballroom, his gaze raking over us. “Who is that man?”

“It’s none of your concern.”

She clenches her jaw and I know she’s going to demand answers. Stubborn, as always.

“His name is Pablo Estrada,” I reply. “He’s the leader of a cartel that operates primarily outside the city. But lately he has been trying to gain more territory within Mexico City itself.”

Blake frowns. “I thought I read somewhere the cartels stay out of Mexico City.”

“They do. Which is why Estrada’s actions are concerning. He seeks to disrupt the balance of power.”

“Why?” Blake asks. “What does he want?”

I hesitate before answering. “His main aim is to end the reign of the red queen.”

Her brow furrows. “What?”

“The woman who was holding you. Ileana Navarro. She’s known as the red queen and is a psychopath in the truest of forms. The other cartels want her gone and believe gaining control of Mexico City will give them that.” I rub a hand across the back of my neck. “Unfortunately, Pablo is greedy. He intends to take it all once they succeed. He believes this city and trade routes around Mexico should belong to him.”

Blake shakes her head. “He seems like a snake the way he looked at me.”

Anger flares within me at the memory. “He is a snake. And I will carve his eyeballs out and make a keepsake of them if he ever looks at you like that again.”