Ileana snarls at me. “I treated you better than that whore ever could.”
I glare at her. “You didn’t even know her.”
She snorts. “How wrong you are, little boy.”
“You knew my mother?” I confirm.
She nods. “Yes, and your father pretty well too.” Her jaw clenches. “I was in love with your father before he met your mother. And the bastard met her, and she stole him from me. It was only right once I became the queen of the Navarro cartel that I ended his sniveling excuse of a life. And I’m sure you met your uncle, Santiago.”
“He’s dead,” I say, no emotion in my voice. “And you always were a sore loser. No wonder he didn’t want to be with you. Who the fuck would?” I shake my head. “You’ve got no loyalty, and you’re psychotic.”
“Says the man who has the nickname the mad hatter and is currently betraying the woman who raised him.”
“My riddles were all a rouse, you stupid bitch,” I say, my blood boiling hotter. “If I was mad, it meant you couldn’t see the true intent of my plans. The reason I stayed close despite wanting to murder you every single time I set eyes on you.”
Ileana’s attention moves behind me, and she smirks. “Alice, how good of you to join us.”
I stiffen, wondering if she’s playing games. However, the look in her eyes tells me she’s not. It’s pure delight. “Don’t change the subject,” I growl.
“Alice, why don’t you come closer,” Ileana says, ignoring me.
I glance briefly over my shoulder to find Alice standing there like a fucking statue.
Why did she come?
“Run back the way you came,” I demand.
She looks at me defiantly and I know if we make it out of this alive, I’m going to give her a real punishment for this. Her actions might derail my entire plan. “No, I’m here to help.”
Ileana laughs. “How can you help him? Pathetic little American girl captured on vacation.” She sneers at her.
And then Alice pulls a gun, cocking it and aiming it right at Ileana. “I’ll help him like this.”
“I doubt you can even shoot that thing, why don’t you?—”
Alice shoots off a round above Ileana’s head, cracking the tunnel roof slightly and showering her in dust. “My dad taught me how to shoot.”
Ileana’s face pales.
Jorge clears his throat. “Taren, I’m with you. Whatever you need, I’m on your side. She’s got a grenade.”
Ileana splutters, “You fucking traitorous piece of shit!”
“Toss all the weapons on your person over here,” I say, ignoring Jorge’s plea to switch sides. He knows he’s on the losing side and wants to switch. It’s the kind of man he is. And while I don’t need him as such, if he does switch sides it will help with winning the rest of the cartel over. All of the men look up to him.
Ileana glares at Jorge as she tosses a gun and grenade over, the pin still in, luckily. While Ileana is insane, she’s not crazy enough to blow herself up.
First, I need to test him. “Jorge, if you’re serious about switching sides, then go and check her for weapons,” I say, grabbing the gun Ileana tossed and aiming it at him. I glance at Alice. “You keep your gun on her. I’ll cover Jorge.”
Alice nods in response, and I’ve never been prouder of a person. In the eye of the storm, she’s as calm as anything. My true equal. My true soul mate.
“Found this,” Jorge says, grabbing a knife that was strapped to her calf.
I smirk as I had been aware she always keeps a knife there, and Jorge passed the test. “Good, chuck it to me.”
Jorge chucks it over and then stands off to one side, giving Ileana a wide birth. “What can I help with?”