Hearing that name, it feels like all the blood in my body drains. Ileana told me all my family were dead, including my uncle.
The disbelief must be apparent on my face.
Santiago chuckles, a bitter sound echoing in the cold chamber. “Surprised to see me, nephew?” he taunts.
“I thought you were dead,” I mutter, my heart pounding in my chest.
“Clearly, I’m not,” he retorts, the smirk never leaving his face. His cold, dead eyes are devoid of any familial affection. “Ileana made a deal with me. My life for yours.”
“But why?” I ask.
“Power, Taren. Pure and simple. I wanted to lead, and your father was in the way. So, I made a deal with the devil herself.”
His confession sends a chill down my spine. This man, my own blood, sold my parents and sister out to the devil for power. And now, here he stands, a guard dog for the woman who destroyed our family.
“You had your own brother murdered?” I confirm.
He smirks. “I never liked your father. He got everything I didn’t. The girl, the family.” His jaw clenches. “Your mother should have been mine.”
I glare at him, rage infecting my blood. I was sure Ileana was acting alone all this time, yet she had this bastard on the sidelines. The real reason my family died, even if he wasn’t the one to kill them.
“It’s a shame, really,” Santiago continues, lifting his gun and pointing it directly at me. “You were always too weak. You could never handle the harsh realities of our world.”
“I was eight years old, you fucking idiot.” I tighten my grip around my own weapon. “What do you expect from a kid?”
“Your father and I were on the streets at that age.”
I snort. “Yeah, and you were supposed to look out for each other. Instead, you had him murdered.” I swallow the lump in my throat.
Santiago’s finger moves to the trigger, and I realize that I’ve got two choices: kill or be killed. The choice becomes clear. I must survive. I must fight. I’m not the weak, naive boy Santiago perceives me to be. I’m stronger, and I’ll prove it.
Before he can pull the trigger, I dodge to one side, my body reacting faster than my mind. My heart thunders in my chest as adrenaline courses through my veins, lending me the speed and precision I need. I aim, my hands steady while I focus on my target.
Santiago’s arrogance gives me enough time to retaliate. My fingers squeeze the trigger, the gunshot reverberating in the cold entrance of the tunnel, and the bullet finds its mark.
Santiago’s body crumples to the dusty ground, a surprised expression etched on his face—my uncle, my betrayer, now lies lifeless with a bullet wound searing through his forehead.
It’s often said, “Blood is thicker than water,” implying family bonds are unbreakable. Yet, when family bonds turn treacherous, the bonds of blood can rupture, proving less resilient than friendships. In my world, the adage fails. And now it’s time to kill the Red Queen and bathe in her blood, the way I watched her bathe in my family’s blood.
I’m frozen in fear where Ileana dropped me. My heart pounds in my ears as I watch bullets fly over my head. My mind is racing, trying to devise a plan to help, but I’m frozen like a deer in headlights.
Cowering like a fucking useless woman. I try to get my limbs to move, but they won’t.
Suddenly Thiago’s face appears above me. “Alice, we need to get you to safety.”
I notice Matias by his side, and I never thought I’d be so relieved to see those two. They help me to my feet and then force me to sprint toward a huge column nearby. All three of us duck behind it as bullets ricochet off the stone, sending shards of it into the air.
I tense, glancing at Thiago who has never looked so on edge. “Where are we going?” I ask.
Thiago shakes his head. “We’re getting you to safety. Taren’s orders.”
Matias growls. “Why would we want to save her when the image of her, bleeding and lifeless, seems so aesthetically pleasing?”
Thiago glares at him. “You know I often wonder why the fuck I haven’t murdered you yet, as that would be rather aesthetically pleasing too.”