Page 63 of Unhinged

Thiago nods, taking a deep breath. “It’s a good plan as long as no one fucks us over.” We both know that we’re gambling with high stakes here. Any of the fifteen men we’ve recruited could double-cross us. If that happens, Ileana will know our plan.

“We keep Damien’s involvement and plan between us for now. As a backup in case someone tells Ileana.”

Thiago nods. “Agreed.”

“The dice of fate we’ve thrown into the night, will the stars of fortune shine bright? The time of reckoning is nigh, will we soar free or in darkness die?”

Thiago rolls his eyes. “I prefer it when you don’t act like a mad hatter.”

I laugh. “Old habits die hard,” I say.

He claps me on the shoulder. “We can do this. It may be a huge task, but I believe in you and our ability to destroy her.”

As Thiago’s hand falls from my shoulder, I walk toward the small grimy window to my left, gazing at the cold stone courtyard below. Ileana, my oppressor, incarcerator of my sanity, the woman I’ve dreamt of eliminating for what feels like eons. Tonight, that dream edges closer to reality.

Fear intertwines with anticipation, a serpentine dance of dread and deliverance.

She who has stripped away my freedom, my dignity, my peace, and all the love in my life will soon meet her end. As I stand on this precipice, the taste of retribution grows sweeter. Tonight, I’ll reclaim what she stole from me. Tonight, either I break my chains or become eternally bound by death. Her reign ends tonight, or I do.



As we’re ushered into the garishly lit auction house, I can feel the weight of dozens of eyes, each undressing us. The air is thick with expensive perfume and male cologne, a sickening combination that makes my stomach churn.

The glint of predatory anticipation in their eyes is undeniable. I look around, hoping to find Taren’s familiar face among the crowd. But he’s nowhere to be seen.

Luna shuffles her feet in front of me and Kali behind me. We’re like cattle being herded to the slaughter. Both my friends are trembling. I can feel the shaking in our combined chains. Maybe I’m shaking too. I’m scared, but I can’t let it show. We’ve got to be strong.

We’re dressed in skimpy, see-through gowns with lingerie underneath. The outfits were chosen for us, designed to simultaneously make us look desirable and vulnerable. It’s all part of the game we never wanted to play.

But as we reach the holding area, my stomach dips. A dozen guards stand around the area, staring at the three of us like we’re a juicy steak on a plate.

How does Taren plan on saving us from this?

The place is guarded heavier than the prison we were taken from. One of the guards moves forward and unchains the three of us from each other. “Sit,” he barks, nodding at the three wooden stools in the center of the room.

We obey without a word, perching on the stools like three birds on a wire. The guards circle us like hungry wolves. One of them, a burly man with a twisted grin, steps forward. “We’ve got an hour. Let’s check these girls are ready.”

The one who brought us here smirks. “Stand,” he demands.

We comply, our movements stiff.

“Hop on one foot,” the other demands.

The rest of the guards in the area chuckle. Not this again. Luna struggles to hop but does it. None of us fall as they force us to hop for what feels like hours, but it’s probably only minutes.

The burly guard smirks. “Kneel,” he growls.

We comply, helpless to disobey, each action stripping our dignity bit by bit.

The same guard unzips his pants, revealing himself. His eyes are on Kali as he issues his next command. “You,” he says, staring at Kali. “Open your mouth.”

My heart thunders in my chest. Kali’s eyes widen, but she doesn’t move. None of us do. We’re frozen in terror. His grin widens, and I know this is just the beginning. I desperately scan the room again for any sign of Taren.

Is he really going to leave us to this fate?

Kali doesn’t open her mouth.