“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says.
I smirk. “Lies are a bit like shadows, wouldn’t you agree?” I meet his gaze steadily. “They’re always stretching and shrinking, depending on the light. But when night falls, they’re nowhere to be seen. Or maybe they’re everywhere.”
His jaw clenches. “You’re as mad as people say.”
“I’d rather be mad than dead,” I mutter, as it’s the only way I could survive this long. “Tell me what you know.”
Damien crosses his arms over his chest. “Are you commanding me, hatter?”
I clear my throat. “It’s Taren. I don’t appreciate the nickname.”
He shakes his head. “Estrada and I are working to secure Mexico City to rid the country of Ileana.”
I smirk. “My way is probably easier, no?”
He nods. “It’d be quicker, that’s for sure. And cheaper.”
“So we have a deal? You’ll help me when the time comes.”
He nods in response. “Yes, I’ll await your call. You have my word.”
“Good.” I clap my hands. “Enjoy the rest of your day. I’ll show myself out.” I turn around to leave the room.
Damien clears his throat behind me. “Be careful, Taren. You may think you know the monster you’re dealing with, but the problem is she knows you, too.”
I’m all too aware that Ileana can read me well. She’s known me since I was eight. It’s part of the reason I’ve adopted my riddles. If you speak in riddles, everyone thinks you’re mad, but that’s the method of deception.
Ileana can’t learn my true intent. She needs to believe I’m a madman when really I’m driven to the brink of sanity by her treatment.And people driven to the brink are wildly unpredictable.
I return to the house to find Jorge waiting for me.
“It’s about time,” he chides, sneering. “Ileana wants to see you.”
I sigh heavily. “Can’t even get back into the house before being given orders,” I say to him, holding his gaze. "Is that how Ileana's second in command should be treated?"
Jorge's temple throbs, as he hates that I'm above him in rank. "No, sir. I'm simply relaying information."
I know it kills him to call me sir. And despite wanting nothing more than to take a shower and decompress after that meeting I had yesterday, I know better than to refuse an audience with the Red Queen.
I stride toward Ileana's office, the sound of my boots echoing ominously in the hallway. On entering, I find her alone, pacing back and forth like a madwoman.
I clear my throat. "You summoned me?" I ask.
Her dark eyes cut to me. "You've been gone a long time. I started to worry."
I almost laugh, but keep a mask over my emotions. Ileana doesn't worry about anything but herself. "It's not a quick journey to the other side of the country," I retort.
Her nostrils flare as she sits down. "So, what happened?"
"I told Vasquez about the proposed alliance," I begin, leaning back against the threshold of the door, arms crossed. "He refused."
Although he agreed to my proposal to cut you down.
I push the thought away. My mind is getting more chaotic the longer this goes on. I need to strike soon or I fear I'll lose everything.