This is going to be difficult. It’s not like I can murder my fellow soldiers for looking at her.
“All of you on your knees,” I demand.
Thiago’s jaw clenches. “This is my show, Hatter. Keep to the sidelines.”
I glare at him and step forward. “I’m in charge.”
Matias growls. “Like hell you are. This is our domain, so why don’t you run along and be a good doggy for Illeana?”
I stalk toward him and grab him by the throat, squeezing hard.
His eyes widen, and he tries to claw my fingers away.
“What the fuck?” Thiago says, starting toward me.
I give him a glare. “I’m not a dog, and you two are beneath me,” I spit. I release his throat, and he looks about ready to murder me.
I’d like to see him try. While Matias and Thiago are two of Illeana’s best fighters, they can’t beat me. No one can.
The girls haven’t moved an inch. “I said on your knees,” I growl.
The four of them shakily drop to their knees, averting their gaze. The only one who keeps her head up is Alice, as she glares at me hatefully. Perhaps it’s easier if she hates me for this. I can’t free her, not yet.
I circle around them, ensuring I don’t pay too much attention to my little bird, even though my blood is burning hot in my veins. Every part of my inner beast is clawing at my insides, wanting to take her from here and run far away where no one will ever find us. But I can’t. Because there’s nowhere I can go that Illeana won’t find me.
“All four of you get on all fours like good little pets,” I demand, playing the role expected of me.
Matias chuckles as he moves around so he’s behind them. “Yeah, show us your pretty little cunts.”
I grind my teeth. “Matias,” I growl, glaring at him. “What did I say?”
His eyes narrow. “Fuck you, Taren. You can’t just come in here and fucking censor us like some kind of tyrant.” He rubs a hand across his cock. “We enjoy having fun with new prisoners.”
Fucking bastard.
“Are any of you virgins?” I demand, ignoring him.
None of them put their hands up. That plan is out the window, then. A virgin slave has to remain intact because she’ll fetch more money. It would have been a way to stop these rabid dogs from fucking them.
“Not the best crop, then. A virgin fetches four times the amount of money,” I say.
Thiago snorts. “Have you got eyes? They’re the four hottest pieces of ass we’ve ever had in here. We’ll get a lot of cash for them.”
Suddenly, the dark-haired girl who had been in the cell with Alice lifts her head. “If it’s about cash, I can make you far more than what you’d sell me for.”
Thiago growls and rushes over to her, grabbing her chin between his finger and thumb. “Don’t speak unless spoken to, got it?”
Her eyes narrow, and she glares at him. The girl has fire.
The blonde one glances at Luna. “Don’t do it,” she breathes, barely audible.
“I’m one of the best hackers in North America, you sick son of a bitch. And I could make you guys a lot of money.”
Thiago’s eyes narrow a fraction. “We already have hackers.”
Her eyes flash. “Your cartel does, right? But how about you personally?”
Clever girl.