His fingers move in soothing circles over my shoulder. “Because when I claim you. You’ll want me so badly you’ll be mad with desire and something deeper.”
“I don’t understand why you want me,” I murmur.
“Why do I want you?” He chuckles. “Isn’t it obvious? You’re a flame in the darkness, a beacon of chaotic beauty in a world of monotonous order. And damn, it’s intoxicating.”
My heart flutters at his words, hating that I want him in ways I’ve never wanted anyone. I must be careful because I can already feel him sinking his claws into my heart. Taren doesn’t strike me as a man who does love. He does obsession, possession, consuming madness. And that’s what he wants, to consume me in his madness.
Is it crazy that I want him to?
Reality is an incessant drizzle of disappointments and frustrations that taint our existence. I could have spent the rest of my life wrapped in Alice in Mexico City if I didn’t know that Ileana would hunt me down.
Thinking of the devil, she sits before me, ignoring me despite sending someone to fetch me the moment the car stopped on the drive.
First, I returned Alice to her cell to ensure she was safe and with her friends. All of whom looked relieved to see her alive and well. And then I raced up here only for the Red Queen to ignore me like I’m nothing.
She finishes writing in her book and drops the pen, glancing at me with disinterest.
It begs the question of why she sent me to Mexico City if she’s so disinterested in what happened. I’m still torn on how much information to give her. It could be a powerful weapon in my arsenal. Giving her tidbits will keep her suspicion alive, but not confirmed.
The Estrada Cartel may be the answer to my problems. I will need an ally before this is over.
Staring into her dark, soulless eyes, I have visions of wrapping my hands around her throat and squeezing until the light drains from them, but I push the visions away. They’re not an accurate representation of what’s to come. When I kill the red queen, it’ll be drawn out, painful, and bloody. Exactly how Michael Lovett will die, too. My plan needs to be flawless, and it’s so close I can practically taste her blood tinging the air.
“Any news from the event?”
“I overheard him discussing purchasing real estate with the city commissioner. It’s possible that your hunch was right.” I shrug. “But there was no solid evidence of a plan,” I lie.
“I knew it.” She clenches her fists on the desk. “I need Pablo Estrada’s head on a plate.”
“That won’t be easy.” I keep my hands clasped in my lap. “He’s as well guarded as you.”
She arches a brow. “How well guarded?”
I spotted at least ten Estrada security guards at the event, none more than a yard from him. “Very well guarded.”
“Tell me?” she demands.
“Ten guards at least at the event, all for him,” I confirm.
“Chingada madre,” she curses in Spanish. “We need to think of something, or he’ll block our supply from the south. Anyone who controls Mexico City controls Mexico.”
“I know.” A part of me hopes he secures the deal, cutting her off at the heels. It would make my plan easier. So, I’m not ruling out approaching them, but the problem is getting the Estrada Cartel to trust me. “What do you propose?”
“We go to war,” she announces as if she ordered a Taco.
Typical Ileana. The echoes of bloodshed and war resonate through her very being, intertwining with her existence. Wherever she goes, chaos follows.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? We don’t know if he’s working on a deal to secure the city.”
“Why wouldn’t it be a good idea?” Her eyes narrow. “His attempt on Mexico City is a declaration of war. I wonder what the Vasquez Cartel would think about it?” She drums her fingers on the desk before standing and walking toward the window behind her desk. “Call Damien Vasquez and invite him here.”
I’m surprised to hear her willing to side with another cartel. She’s not one for being cooperative, making me wonder what her motives are. “You want Damien to come here? Do you think he would accept?”
She glances over her shoulder at me. “Or a meeting at a location of his choosing. Just get it done.”