Page 52 of Unhinged

I grind my teeth, realizing the fact I beat up his brother yesterday won’t go in my favor. Getting him on my side will be even more difficult .

“It’s not about that. I think you’ll want to hear what I have to say.”

Thiago unwillingly opens the door. “Fine. Come in.”

I enter his room, which is bare and basic. After all, most of the men live in squalor compared to me. Ileana’s toy gets the best things, I guess.

I take a cursory glance around the room, taking in the shoddy state of his lodgings. The floorboards creak under the weight of my boots, their groans echoing through the room’s hollow, almost skeletal structure. Unadorned walls, tainted by age and neglect, stand on either side, sparsely decorated with a few relics.

A single window, cloudy with grime and barely letting in any light, gives a grim view of the life outside. A lone bed lies in the corner, its sheet threadbare and mattress sagging. It starkly contrasts my luxurious quarters, reminding me of the class divide that riddles our organization. The divides I intend to use to my advantage to throw Ileana off her throne.

“So, what do you want to talk about?” Thiago asks.

I lean against the door frame, my heart pounding with the weight of what I’m about to propose. “You ever thought about how things would be without Ileana calling the shots?”

Thiago snorts, crossing his arms over his chest. “And who’s going to take her place? You?”

I glare at him. “Yes, and you and Matias.”

Thiago’s eyes narrow. “What?”

“We could run the cartel far better than she has. Share the ridiculous wealth she hoards.” I glance around the room. “It sure looks like you could do with a share.”

He growls. “This is all she gives most of the men. Hell, my rooms are better than a lot of the soldiers. Most of them live in fucking barracks on bunk beds.”

“Then, let’s change everything.”

Thiago’s eyes flicker with interest as he leans back against the dresser in the corner. “Killing Ileana and taking over the Navarro Cartel? What makes you think we can pull that off?”

I straighten, a cynical snort escaping my lips. “I’ve known Ileana longer than any of you,” I start. “I know her strengths, but more importantly, her weaknesses. She’s grown complacent and arrogant. She thinks she’s untouchable, and that’ll be her downfall.”

“She’s dangerous, Taren,” Thiago says, a flicker of fear in his eyes. “How do you propose we do this?”


I hate how all the men fear her. She’s a woman. Flesh and blood. She can bleed just like any of us. And she’s not exactly loved amongst the men. Fear might keep people in line, but it’s not as valuable as respect. And to earn respect, you’ve got to give it.

“We give the men respect,” I say, watching the man I’ve chosen as my second on this. “We treat them like humans, not mere pawns in Ileana’s game. You think these men wouldn’t turn on her if given a chance?” I pause, glancing at Thiago. “Wouldn’t you?”

Thiago is silent, mulling over my words. “You’re talking about a revolution, but revolutions are bloody and dangerous.”

“And so is staying in this hell,” I retort, gesturing at the shabby room. “Living under her thumb, waiting for the day she decides you’re no longer useful. Is that the life you want for you and Matias?”

He frowns, deep in thought. And then, he nods slowly. “You’re right,” he says, a newfound resolve in his voice. “It’s time for a change. And if it means getting my hands dirty, so be it.” He tilts his head. “Why now?”

A good question that I’m unsure I should answer. However, honesty is going to be important if we’re going to do this together. “Alice.”

His eyebrow raises. “What?”

“I’d planned to do this for year, but her arrival here has forced my hand. She’s mine.”

Thiago’s lips curve as he smirks. “I thought you were hooked on her. Matias didn’t believe me.” He sighs heavily. “I’m a little bit obsessed with the beautiful hacker, honestly.”


He nods. “She’ll be mine if we pull this off, got it?”

I clench my jaw, as that won’t sit well with Alice. Unless Luna wants Thiago, it’ll be a very tough sell. “What if Luna isn’t interested.”