Who knows?
“Fine,” she says, moving her hand to her pussy and starting to pleasure herself.
The other girls follow suit. When I glance at Alice, she’s glaring at me with a hateful expression. Perhaps I didn’t prepare her enough for what was to come. This beats what Thiago and Matias would be doing down here if I weren’t taking the training. They probably would have raped all four of them by now.
The thought angers me. No one will go near Alice, or I’ll chop their balls off and feed them to the dogs. Matias and Thiago had better be careful around her.
I glance over at the two men who both have their dicks in their hands. “Put your cocks away.”
“Come on, man,” Matias says, shaking his head. “You can’t expect us to watch four hot as hell girls masturbating naked and not masturbate too. They need something to look at.” Matias moves closer toward the quiet, timid one with dark brown hair who had been in the other cell. “Don’t you, baby?” he asks, not touching her but getting close.
She doesn’t look at him or his cock, shutting her eyes as she pleasures herself.
“You two are fucking vile,” I announce.
“At least we’re not fucking dead inside. Are you telling me your dick isn’t hard watching them?”Thiago asks.
My cock is hard, but I’m not watching them. I’m watching one girl. Alice. And what I’d give to whisk her away from here and protect her from the depravity of my world. But it’s not an option. Not yet.
For now, we have to lie in wait and bide our time. No matter how much it grates against the animal inside me, there’s no other option. Every moment spent in this hellhole, watching her endure these indignities, it’s like a thousand razor cuts to my soul. But patience is the only weapon I have in this twisted game.
And as much as it kills me to admit it, right now, this training is the only thing standing between Alice and the unforgiving brutality of the cartel’s world. So I’ll stay my hand, keep my secrets, swallow my rage for Alice. Because when the time comes, and it will, I’ll make them all pay. Alice will be safe. And Ileana? She’ll wish she never met met.
I haven’t felt this numb since the fated night two years ago with Professor Lovell. It feels like I gave Taren my trust, and he betrayed it, even though he made it clear he couldn’t protect me. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I think having him lead the sick and twisted games that unfolded a few hours ago made it worse.
Luna, Kali, and Blake have all been silent since. The sick thing is we all climaxed. Every single one of us. Shamefully played with ourselves in front of those men… No, they’re not men. Beasts. And orgasmed for them under duress.
In fact, other than the orgasm Taren brought me to the night in the hotel, it was one of the most powerful I’ve felt. It’s crazy the way the mind works. The twisted inner workings. We’ve all been put in the same cell this time rather than being split up.
Blake is the first one to break the silence, her voice barely audible, her words choked with shame. “I feel so dirty,” she confesses, her gaze fixed on the cold stone floor.
Kali’s hand finds hers, gripping it tightly in silent solidarity, her eyes never leaving the cell bars. Luna remains silent, staring blankly at the wall, lost in her own world of guilt and self-loathing.
“It’s not our fault,” I breathe.
Blake nods. “I know better than anyone. Our reaction was natural, but studying it versus actually experiencing it.” She shakes her head. “And there’s more shit to come. Worse.”
Luna nods. “My big mouth is going to get me in trouble.”
“We told you not to mention the hacking,” Kali says quietly.
“I know.” Luna shakes her head. “I just hoped it might have been a way out for us. I’m not going to lose hope,” she announces, looking at us individually. “We need to stay positive like Alice said. What happened earlier was probably child’s play. The only option is to be strong for each other.”
The thud of approaching footsteps cuts off our conversation. Taren appears before the bars, his eyes darker than the pitch-black night.
He looks straight at me, his gaze chilling and penetrative. And then he unlocks the cell door and advances inside. “Alice,” he mutters my name. His cold, emotionless expression sends a shiver down my spine. “Come with me.”
I rise to my feet, every fiber of my being screaming in protest.
He turns around and walks out of the cell, expecting me to follow.
I glance back at my friends, their eyes wide with fear, and then steel myself for the confrontation. It’s time to face the beast.
I step toward him with a deep, shaky breath, reluctantly moving past the cell door.