Page 7 of Worth the Risk

She points at my crotch.

Oh, fuck.

Yeah, that’s noticeable.

I’m wearing grey sweatpants. It’s pretty damn obvious that I’m aroused. Jesus. Now she’s really going to try and get me kicked out of the building.

“You are an atrocity! Shame, shame!” Edith shouts, and before I can respond, Pixie’s door opens.

“Is everything okay?” she asks, only looking at Edith. Great. She hasn’t noticed my erection.

“Oh, hello. You must be Hannah. Caroline told me about you,” Edith says warmly. Pixie’s name is Hannah. Holy fuck, that suits her. She’s a Hannah. I smile slightly as I finally know her name. “Stay away from that heathen, Hannah. He’s a monster, standing here all aroused just waiting for people to walk past!”

Pixie’s eyes automatically lower and then bounce right back up to my face, horrified. Blush covers her cheeks…and not the cheeks that I’d like to make blush. Fuck. These thoughts aren’t gonna help my erection calm the fuck down.

“Mrs. Willowby, I apologize for this. Really, I do. I was just grabbing my delivery. I’m going inside now. Gonna go drown myself,” I mumble as I walk back into my apartment and close the door. I lean against the door and listen.

“Hannah, Caroline told me to keep an eye out for you. You stay away from that boy, you hear me? He’s trouble. Always has women coming in and out at weird hours, makes tons of noise. No respect for the other tenants. Just a disrespectful hooligan.”

I roll my eyes in frustration. Women don’t come in and out at all hours. Exaggerate much, Edith? Unless you count my mom or sisters, it’s a rarity for me to bring women back here. Excluding last night.

“I’ll keep that in mind, Mrs. Willowby.”

I take a look out the peephole and see Edith has gone into her apartment, but Hannah still stands in the hallway. She looks over at my door, and I hold my breath. Her eyes reach the peephole as if she knows I’m watching her. She turns slowly toward her door and hesitates, her head again turning towards my door. Her hands slide up the sides of her legs and onto her ass as she struts into her apartment. Right before she closes the door, she lightly taps her right ass cheek. I groan loudly, and I hear her light giggle as she closes her door.

What the actual fuck was that?


Ihave absolutely no idea what came over me. I just knew he’d enjoy the show. I’d caught hottie staring at my ass again. While his ‘frigid bitch’ comment threw me off this morning, I did catch his eyes lingering on my backside. And frankly, I felt a little tease was needed after he’d been a complete jackass to me that morning.

I have a big ass. It is what it is. I’ve tried to lose it, tried dieting and stretching, cardio and weight lifting. I’m just predisposed to having a large ass. Thank God big asses are ‘in’ right now because nothing is taking this off of me.

After having Gabe flirt with me today, and then seeing hottie and the straight lust flowing off of him in waves, I was feeling sassy as I sauntered back into the apartment. I was half tempted to knock on his door and ask him to help me get rid of the whole ‘frigid bitch’ tattoo that’s apparently stamped on my forehead.

I’m not comfortable with men. I never have been. It’s ironic that I’ve chosen a career field where I’m surrounded by men. While I may not know hockey yet, I love sports. I love the sportsmanship, the traditions, and even the weird rituals all athletes seem to have. I love the fan base, the excitement of the crowd, and even the agony of defeat. It’s all such a complete whirlwind that gobbles me up every day.

But interacting with men in my job? I’m absolutely horrendous at it. I stumble over myself, stammer, and always seem to say the wrong thing. It’s why I’ve only had a couple relationships in my life. And why I have almost no sexual experience whatsoever. I’ve had three sexual partners in my life. Two were in serious relationships, and from what I can gauge, they were both what would be termed ‘vanilla.’ I’ve seen some porn. I know what could happen. But in those relationships, it was missionary, or me on top. That’s it. My third sexual partner was a horrifying one-night stand that involved me doing the walk of shame with one shoe and a broken phone. My mother brings up that travesty almost every Thanksgiving: the time Hannah embarrassed the family. It’s really no wonder I moved across the country.

I learned very quickly at the University of Southern Georgia that I needed just to do my job, and keep any interactions with the players completely off-the-table. Focusing on my job, and the task at hand, helped me to steer clear of any opportunities to put my own foot in my mouth. It’s also why I couldn’t send any player/peer recommendations to the Wolves organization, because no one at USG really knew me. I kept to myself as much as possible.

As I’m contemplating going back into the hallway and knocking on hottie’s door, my phone rings. I grimace, knowing it’s going to be a family member. I don’t have a good relationship with any of my family back in Georgia. They had high expectations for me to find a rich husband and settle down into southern socialite life. When I actually wanted a career — gasp — they were horrified. I became the black sheep of the family simply because I had career aspirations. Well, in all honesty, I was the black sheep before that. I asked too many questions as a child, skinned too many knees, and didn’t do exactly as my parents told me. Shame, shame.

I sigh as I look at the screen. Yep, it’s my mother. I refuse to call her ‘mom.’ That would insinuate a close and connected relationship where she actually attempted to raise me.

“Hello, mother,” I say dryly.

“Hannah Ann.”

My mother always refers to me with my middle name. It’s a southern thing. Once I was eighteen, and legally an adult, I told people to stop calling me Hannah Ann. It infuriates her, which makes me even happier.

“What can I do for you, mother?” I ask.

“Your cousin Annabelle has accepted a proposal of marriage from Dalton Whithers. His daddy is a senator. You’ve met Dalton, yes?” my mother asks. I roll my eyes.

“Yes, mother, you’ve introduced me to him multiple times.”

“Oh. So then you know what a great catch he is, and how excited Annabelle’s parents are for this match,” she says.