“You meeting us in Portland?”
“Nope. I’m done, Daws. I’m not doing this anymore.”
“Fuck,” he breathes. “All because of Woodward?”
“No. All because of her,” I tell him, giving Hannah a soft smile. “She’s worth everything, man. I just want to be with her.”
“What are you planning to do about Coach?” Gabe asks.
“Not sure. I’ll figure something out. But I’m done. Tell him they’re taking me for concussion protocol so we get a head start to the airport, okay?”
“I can do that,” he says, removing his glove and putting a hand out to shake mine. When I take his, he squeezes hard. “I know we haven’t always gotten along, Santo, but even I recognize what Coach did tonight was over the top. If I can help with a case against him, let me know.”
“Appreciate it.”
“Gonna miss messing with you at practice,” Gabe chuckles.
“I’m sure you’ll find a rookie to fuck with soon enough,” I tell him with a grin.
Gabe lets go of my hand, tilts his chin at Hannah, and walks back down the hallway toward the ice.
Sliding my arm around her shoulder, I lean down to give her temple a very light kiss. Jesus, my entire face is throbbing. “Come on, Pix. Let’s get out of here.”
Hannah looks up at me, love evident in her eyes. “I am so proud of you, Luca.”
“Thanks, baby. Let’s get going before Coach decides to try and find me. Is your uncle really here? Where is he?”
“I left him with Elsie.”
“The physical therapist? He’s got a hard on for her, right?”
“How’s that going?” I ask as we round a corner and find Bennett with Elsie against a wall, a passionate kiss between them.
“Pretty well, I’d say, considering this is how I left them,” Hannah comments. “Uncle Bennett!”
They break apart, a lovely pink shade of embarrassment covering Elsie’s face as they both wipe their lips.
“What’s going on? Is the game over? You’re going to get in big trouble for leaving before the end, Luca.” Bennett states.
“Is it really important right now? Can we leave?” Hannah begs.
Bennett turns to Elsie, who gives him a shy smile. “I’ll text you.”
“You better,” she replies.
One last kiss before Bennett motions for us to follow him outside the arena. He stops when he notices I’m wearing my game-day suit and carrying my skates. “Just the skates? You didn’t grab your bag?”
“Nothing I want in there. Just the skates.”
“The rest of your things are still at the hotel?” he asks and I nod. “We can stop there to grab them. I’ll book us flights in the meantime.”
An Uber drops us off at the team hotel, and Hannah helps me pack up my things. I was expecting to sleep here tonight, since Woodward has us on a six am flight, and none of my things are packed. “Do you mind if I take a quick shower?”
“Go ahead. I’ll pack,” Hannah says. I jump in the shower, taking the quickest shower I can, and step out to find Hannah waiting for me. “I’m done.”