“Why don’t you ask him?”
“Maybe I should when I meet him tomorrow. But guess what? Dad’s coming over. First this stupid party and then lunch with Dad. This is the worst business trip in the history of all trips.”
“You’ll be fine, girl. Don’t worry. So tell me, how’s the apartment?”
I switch to a video call and show Lily everything. We both ooh and ahh.
“Wait a sec, is that Pinot Noir I see?” Nothing escapes Lily’s laser-sharp eyes.
I chuckle and take the camera close.
“Gabriel has gone out of his way to make your stay comfortable,” she continues in a teasing tone. “How is he in person? Spill, girl. Spill.”
“He’d sent a driver. He was busy with the arrangements for tonight.”
“So when’ll you meet him?”
“He said he’ll pick me up for the party from here.”
“Oooh! So, you’re going to the party with him? As his date?” Her smirk is practically audible.
“Just zip it and leave me alone. I need to rest before I get ready. Talk to you later.”
I plop down on the bed, and in no time, I’m in a dreamless sleep, away from tensions of Ryan, Priscilla, Dad. Everyone. Gabriel’s call wakes me up, and I answer in a groggy voice. He tells me he’ll pick me up in thirty minutes.
Thirty minutes! How can I possibly be ready by then? I have half a mind to tell him I’m not feeling well and just continue to sleep, but Weber pops up in my head. Then Bernard. I need to do this well. I spring to action.
Thank the heavens for Lily—she’s already sorted out the outfit crisis. That alone is a huge stress-buster. She’d taken me shopping and made me buy this awesome-looking red gown for this occasion. It’s expensive. Well, very expensive, and had it not been for Lily, I’d never have bought it. But thankfully I did. Now, it’s all about sliding into that dress, tossing on the pearl necklace, doing my best with the hair situation, and slipping into those high-heeled power sandals. And voila, I’m locking in my last earring just as the bell rings. By the time I walk over and open the door, I’m ready to rock and roll.
Chapter 4
“Your eyes can deceive you; don’t trust them.” —Obi-Wan Kenobi
Gabriel looks stunning in his blue suit and white shirt. His wavy chestnut brown hair complement his brown eyes.
“Wow! Don’t you look pretty. I wasn’t expecting a model when they said they’ll be sending a consultant,” he says with a wink, offering his arm to me, perfect gentleman style.
I put on my coat and take his arm, feeling my cheeks flush. I’m not used to such compliments. Bob, my ex, wasn’t really very magnanimous with them. He always interlaced his compliments with some sort of insult. For example, he’d say, “I like that you’re so confident that you wear whatever you want, like this baggy jeans in a restaurant like this. You just don’t care what people might say.” And suddenly I wasn’t confident anymore. Before I knew it, I was seeking his approval on what to wear, what to eat, what to watch until somewhere down the road, I lost myself.
Gabriel escorts me to the waiting car. I feel the chilly air on my cheeks and shiver a little, wondering if it’s because of the cold or the prospect of meeting Ryan.
“Is the venue far?” I ask. I feel stupid for not having checked how far the party is from the apartment.
“Don’t worry, I won’t bore you. Plus, I think you’ll love it. It’s at Harborview at the Navy Yard. Beautiful views. The team is already there. I thought I’ll take you once the action is in full swing. A little time for you to rest as well before the party. The team goes wild after they get some drinks in their system. So you can join them straight on the dance floor.”
I smile. I’m already comfortable with this man and wish, yet again, that he was the founder instead of Ryan. Life would be so much simpler.
“I don’t dance.” Another thing that Bob took away from me, repeatedly telling me I had two left feet until I just stopped dancing, unless I went out with Lily. I still let my hair down with her every once in a while.
Gabriel turns his head and raises his eyebrows. “I don’t believe it. Everyone can dance. As humans, it’s inherent in our nature. You just need to let go.”
“So, how’s the response to the new game you’re about to launch?” I ask, trying to change the subject.
“Hey. Hey. No business talk today. You start as our consultant and hopefully future investor on Monday. Today, you’re my friend. And I’m taking you to my party.”
I smile as Gabriel drives us into the parking lot. I’m still not mentally prepared to see Ryan as I step out of the car and accompany Gabriel inside. The party’s in full swing. Sounds of laughter and lively conversations fill up the air. There are quite a few people.
“I didn’t know you had so many employees?”