Unlike humans who dated first and then moved in together—at least, so I had observed—shifters who met their fateds were likely to jump right into life under one roof and date in the honeymoon phase. But between getting everything done for the showing and the opening of West’s new shaved ice truck, we were busy. Helping and supporting one another, getting West’s house on the market and sold, keeping an eye on the construction in the backyard, starting my next series… And whenever we were alone together, passion took over.
“This is the hotel?” West stood on the sidewalk, head tilted back. “And the gallery is paying for it?”
“They make enough money from me to be able to afford it,” I said. “Did I tell you that most of the paintings sold at the sneak peek a week ago?”
“No, but that’s great. So, why are we here?”
“To build interest in the next one and meet some of our patrons.” I led the way inside, towing my wheeled bag. “It will be fine, but if you’d rather not go, you can stay here and not have to deal with the crowds.”
“No, it’s all good.” West waved away my concerns. “As long as you feel well.”
“I’m great.” A bit keyed up. But that was normal pregnancy or no pregnancy. “And very happy to get to introduce my mate to the people at the gallery.”
The hotel was one of the nicer buildings near our destination, and West and I had a few hours to relax before we had to meet the gallery owners for dinner. We spent it lounging in the big bathtub and enjoying a long nap, something I had never done in my life before this little baby took up residence.
Our evening was great, and I enjoyed watching West interact with the gallery owners as they asked him all about the foodie scene in Oliver Creek. They’d been swearing they’d come to visit soon and when he invited them to stay at our home, they were glad to accept. After a dinner of tapas and margaritas—virgin for me, although the healer said I could have the occasional drink—we went off on our own to tour the city and enjoy all the lights in a horse-drawn carriage. I’d seen couples in them for years and was always secretly envious of them. Sitting with my mate’s arm around my shoulders tonight, I wished all those who did not have a mate like mine to find someone special just for them because this was the most romantic thing I’d ever done.
I had meetings most of the next day, and West did a little exploring on his own, but we met up after lunch for another “nap,” this one with very little sleeping involved, although it would have been a good idea to rest up for the big evening ahead.
When we arrived at the gallery, it was to find a line outside.
“Wow. That’s new.” I’d done well here, but never drawn this kind of a crowd. “Maybe they have another artist featured in the little room.” There was a secondary, much smaller showroom in the building, although I’d never seen it used.
We slipped through the crowd to the door and knocked on the glass. Randy, one of the owners, opened and let us in then locked it securely behind us.
“This is wild.” He poured us each a sparkling water. “And they are all here for one thing.”
I became uneasy. Most everything was already sold. Everything, in fact, except… “What one thing is that?”
“Now, I know you said you didn’t want to sell Shadow Bear, but the bidding has gone through the roof.” Sandra, the other owner joined us. “It’s huge.”
“And I told you the painting is just for display as part of the show. It’s going home with us.”
“You’re not selling it?” West looked confused. “But wasn’t that why you painted it?”
“Originally, yes, but once it was completed, I couldn’t.”
West smiled at me. “How much money are we talking?”
Throughout the evening, the owners kept coming to us with the numbers in the auction that they hadn’t even started. It was spontaneously happening on the website in some way I couldn’t understand. But by midnight, it was so high, West and I had a little conference and decided that for the good of our family, we could not say no. It would create a beautiful nest egg for our children.
Everyone was so nice, many people expressing regret that they hadn’t been able to purchase one of the others, but I assured them that the next series was well under way and hoped they would enjoy them as well. We had delightful wine and delicious apps and then it was time to go back to the hotel for our last night in the city.
As I lay in the room, wide eyes staring up at the ceiling, West reached over to stroke my arm. “You can paint another one, you know.”
“Not the same.”
“No, but I’m sure it will be even better. You made the hard call for our family’s security, and I couldn’t love you more.”
Chapter Eighteen
I knew that as the newest, shiny offering in Oliver Creek that my shaved ice truck would be popular but I had no idea how popular.
The daycare center brought over their whole preschool class today and, after they left, a group of swimming instructors brought their kids over fresh from their lessons.
Those were in addition to the regulars. It was a blazing summer, and everyone needed an icy treat.