“No, but I’ll call.” He went into the kitchen where he’d left his phone and came back a couple of minutes later. “He had a flat tire, but it’s fixed and he’ll be here in a few minutes. He suggests we get you into that nightshirt you picked out for the birth and then you’ll be more comfortable and ready when the time comes.”

Also, it would give me something to do, I suspected, distracting me for a few minutes. But when I got the shirt on, the pains that had been about five minutes apart changed in intensity, and it was with great relief I heard the car door close outside.

“Alpha, hurry and let him in. I think the baby is coming.” And there was no time for any suggestions about going to the center. “I need to push.”

“No, don’t do that,” he said. “Please hang in there for a minute more. I’ll go get him.” He rushed out the door and came back in, practically shoving Quinn in front of him. “See? He’s here. Now, you can push the baby right out.”

Quinn looked from one of us to the other, laughter twinkling in his eyes. He dealt with this stuff every day, and he had always given me confidence when I had a worry or question. “So, West tells me your water broke? How far apart are the pains?”

He took me into the bedroom for a quick exam and far from being ready to push, he told me it would likely be another few hours and we could all relax. Easy for him to say.

But with his gentle guidance and reassurance, my alpha and I got through the time and even managed to play cards for a while just for the distraction. In fact, I had just laid down a winning gin rummy hand when I learned how strong the pains could be when it was almost time to push.

“Quinn?” I called, and he came out of the kitchen where he’d been making tea. “Could you examine me again?”

“Of course. But judging from your face and the look in your eyes, I almost don’t have to. Let’s get you in position.”

I had planned to use a birthing stool, but when I tried, my legs were too wobbly, and in the end, Sutton was born with me lying on the bed. He came out red and squalling and ready to take on the world. Like his alpha daddy. Quinn laid him on my chest and I fell in love for the second time in my life.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“Oh, come on, buddy. You have to give your papa a break.”

Sutton was doing the thing where he made a neh sound and started to get red in the face. Once he started kicking his legs, it was all over.

“I’m here. My milk came down the moment I heard him making that sound. Give me the little meat loaf.”

Didn’t know why my mate started calling Sutton his little meat loaf but it kind of fit. He was a chunky boy with thunder-thigh creases where his wrists met his hands. Dimples in his knuckles.

And an appetite that made me think he would shift into a cub once his animal demanded it.

I sighed. I wished I could help more with the feedings, but Antoine had the goods. “Here, buddy. Your papa had to stop painting to come and feed you.”

Antoine sat in the rocking chair in the nursery. I unbuttoned his shirt and got the cloth diaper for when Sutton dribbled, which always happened.

Soon the sounds of gulping filled the room.

Antoine and I took turns taking care of our little one on the days when my truck was open but with an infant and the fall approaching, we had decided that come October, I would shut the truck down for the winter. We had enough money, thanks to Antoine selling that painting of me, and we could take some time to focus on our baby and each other.

Antoine would paint all winter, I hoped.

I made Antoine a cup of iced tea, red raspberry leaf, and a plate of cheese, crackers, and some vegetables to eat while he nursed. Feeding our babe really took it out of him but I was grateful he was able to. Some omegas weren’t.

“Thank you, West. You always take care of us. Doesn’t he, Sutton?” My mate cooed at our babe. Sutton stopped feeding to gurgle and smile at his papa and then me.

“I try, my love,” I said and picked up things while he continued feeding. There was always laundry to be done and today was no exception. Taking trash out. But all worth it. I’d never been happier in my life.

And Antoine hadn’t been quiet about wanting another baby already.

“Are you ready for your grandpas to visit?” I asked Sutton, tickling his pudgy toes.

“Have you talked to them?” Antoine asked.

“I have. They insisted on getting a car and driving into town once their plane lands. I offered to pick them up but they said no.”

My mate nodded and switched Sutton to the other side of his chest.