Page 4 of Carler

She could see armed guards–sharpshooters–on the roof and others who were heavily armed mingling in the crowd. Nothing bad was happening yet. Should Viv and her group just hunker down and wait? or should they make themselves known to the new boss?

Before she could decide, new people appeared. The boss wasn't happy to see them.

"You were told not to show up here. Joe is no longer in charge. So, you do not work for us anymore. Don't you know what that means?" Johnny asked.

"Maybe you're the one who doesn't understand what's going to happen," an older gentleman responded.

"Howie, are you threatening me?" Johnny asked.

"I don't threaten, I promise," Howie responded.

"You're outnumbered. My men have the latest machine guns and artillery. Do you really want to die?" Johnny wondered.

Howie began to laugh. "Things are not always the way they look. Haven't you learned that yet?"

Suddenly, the air filled with pops and loud puffs. Viv instantly realized shots were being fired through silencers. The guards began to fall like dominoes.

Taking a chance, she shot Howie in the shoulder. She wanted to question him about his connection to Joe Senior. Looking around, she zeroed in on some of the shooters and fired at them. Someone else had the same idea and was also taking them out. "It's probably Kareth, Landra, or the driver," she whispered under her breath.

Luckily, Joe's shooters had no idea they were hiding at the edge of the woods. Looking left then right, they couldn't pinpoint the location of the shots. Ultimately, a couple ran away.

It was a bloodbath, but Joe Senior hadn't shown up. Maybe he was hiding nearby, wondering why his plan had gone astray.

Viv was sure it was because of the firepower she and those with her had used to take out some of the former mob boss's men that had kept him from showing his face. She wasn't sure if they should make their presence known and try to talk to the new boss, Johnny.

Then, in the blink of an eye, that decision was taken out of her hands. Kareth stepped forward and stood his ground. He had no weapon in his hand and waited until he was motioned forward.

"Who are you, and why did you help us?" Johnny asked.

"Enemy of my enemy," Kareth directly responded. "We were told by an anonymous source that Joe Senior would be making a move against you. He's been coming after us, and we're tired of it."

"We? Are there others with you? If so, have them move forward so we can see them," Johnny ordered.

There was no reason to stay hidden, so Viv stepped out with Landra and their driver.

"You work for those guys in Vegas," he stated. "Joe Senior had a hard-on for you. It's why his work suffered, and he finally had to be replaced. Obsession has no part in this business," Johnny observed. Looking at Viv, he sneered, "Are you the one Junior got involved with?"

"No, that was Davy, and she disappeared. No one knows where she is, but I wish her well. She made a bad choice. I just hope she didn't pay for it with her life," Viv responded.

"I believe she got away. If not, Joe Senior wouldn't be going crazy over her," Johnny observed.

"You have a point," Viv agreed.

"If you ain't that girl, who the hell are you?" He asked.

"I'm the security chief for those guys in Vegas. Joe is causing us a great deal of trouble. I'd like to see him pay for that and many other things," she calmly explained.

Viv didn't believe letting these people know she was a former FBI agent was a good idea. They might find out later, but they wouldn't have guns in their hands that they could point at her then.

"I guess I should say thanks and let you get on your way." Johnny was dismissing them. That was obvious. It was also a hell of a lot better than being shot and buried in the backyard.

It was time for a strategic retreat, and they all knew it. Turning, they headed back to the car.

While they had all survived, Joe Senior was still out there, ready to cause more trouble, and that didn't sit well with Viv.

It didn't take long for them to return to their car and return to the hotel. She wasn't sure if they should continue to look for Joe Senior and wouldn't know until she had the opportunity to find out where he was and what he was up to.

Chapter 2