“What are those signs? No one has said anything, so I have not been looking for them.”
“When I was young, before my first change, my dragon sometimes spoke to me. Your dragon is young and will speak to you in a young voice.”
Carler could see from the look on her face that she recognized what he said. Her dragon had spoken to her, and she thought she was going crazy.
“Another possible sign is that you might see scales under your skin. There might also be a vision of what your dragon looks like in your head or your dreams. Another much rarer sign is a taste of smoke or something similar in your mouth.”
“Are you telling me I'm going to burp up smoke?” She asked.
“That's one way to look at it. I would express it as a smoky flavor instead.”
“Does that only happen to fire breathers?”
“Yes, and only a small percentage of dragons breathe fire. It is alright not to breathe fire.”
“Do you?”
“I do, and most of those high in our military also do. It gives them an advantage in a battle. I hope you never have to battle," Carler admitted.
“If I feel better tomorrow, I want to try to change.”
“You do realize that it is very soon? You may try and not manage the change."
“Will it cause me other problems if I do not change when I try?” Viv asked.
“No, you would just have to deal with the disappointment.”
“We are not even sure that I will ever change, or if I do that, I will make a complete change.”
“That is true, but you will be my mate whether you change or not," Carler explained.
She knew that was true, but regardless of anything he said, she was sure he would be horribly disappointed. Many of the females from Earth who had previously mated a dragon had changed and breathed fire. Viv wished she knew more about the ancestry that allowed many of those on Earth to change. What kind of dragons were they, and had they chosen to stay here, or had they been forced by circumstance to stay and adapt?
If what he told her was correct, then she had already seen her dragon’s form, which would be silver and purple, and the change would be complete. There had been no smoky flavors in her mouth, so she did not know if she would be a fire breather or not. She took that to mean probably not. If the voice in her head began talking again, she would speak back and try to figure out what her dragon was like.
The thought of someone in her head always seemed odd to her. Not being alone sounded pretty good. A problem might be if she and her dragon did not get along. After all, they were two completely separate individuals.
We are separate individuals but also part of the same person. We will get along most of the time and develop a close relationship.
You are my dragon half? Will my change be complete?
I am your dragon half, and your change will be complete. Together, we will be able to do amazing things. We will fly high and even swim in the ocean down to very deep depths. You will be able to see things that will amaze you.
I've already been pretty amazed. I had a vision, and you were so beautiful. You were silver and purple. We will have to decide what to do with Carler. He wasn't honest, and it was hard for me to trust him.
We will have to forgive him because he is our mate. He didn't mean to hurt us, and it is hard to learn how to have a relationship when there are a few females around. It will be okay, and you will see that I am right.
I hope you are because from what he told me we will be together for a long time.
Trust me, it will be a beautiful time, and we will have all the love we need. We will have a family, and eventually, we will return to our planet and live there.
Carler was still sitting there, and he could see her communicating with her dragon. He had done it many times, and he recognized it. It was clear to him that she wasn't going to tell him, and it would take him a while to regain her trust. He decided that he needed to start doing that now.
“Rest and heal. Then, tomorrow morning, after you eat a good breakfast, I will take you somewhere private where you can try to change into your dragon. It is important that you have a lot of energy when you are making the change, so eat a good meal. We will see if you change or not and what you change into. It is clear this is important to you, so it will be done. I'll leave you now so that you can rest.”
All they did was nod, and he knew that it was because she was still talking to her dragon. Maybe her dragon would help her understand his people. Once she decided that her dragon was her friend and learned to trust her, she wouldn't be so upset about the change he had forced on her. First, he needed to gain her trust and love because she already had his.
He headed back to his office, where he planned to meet with Doran. That mail was already waiting for him there. “You're early," Carler observed.