His radio beeped. “Carler!”
“This is Odom in security. We've cleared out the last of the questionable ones. Security is now secure. We are ready to go after the questionable ones in other areas as soon as we get the list."
It had hurt that the security leader had turned out to be a rogue. No one had even suspected him, yet he had been working against them since the beginning of the new country. Several of those in security would move up, but that department would still have a huge shortage. Perhaps Viv would suggest how they could get loyal and capable personnel. A human would be perfect as a second in that department. However, it was difficult to find a trustworthy and capable human.
He looked at his emails and noticed that Viv had sent him something. A list of those in the casino and the hotel must be further scrutinized. Carler scrolled through the list and had no issue with any names. There were no dragons on it, and no one was questionable. It was sent straight to Odom. That would be a good start on their hunt for potential traitors. He got into other work he needed to do and noticed that Viv was still working hard. He wondered which group she would search through next.
Carler saw that it was supper time. When you worked hard, the time really flew. “Why don't you let me take you to supper, and we will discuss your plan to lure in Joe?”
“Let me finish this list. It is the Parks Department. We can go then," Viv replied.
“Let me know when you're done.” She nodded at him and continued her work.
Carler continued to work as well. Maybe they would get a handle on things now. They worked a bit longer before she got to a good stopping point.
“I’m ready now.”
"Let's go," Carler said.
Viv smiled at him, and he took her arm to escort her out the door. He hoped that sharing time with her at meals would help his cause. He took her to the Asian place, and when they entered, she seemed excited.
“Have you not been here before?”
“You've taken me to many places, but I don't remember coming here," Viv admitted.
“I've intended to take you for quite some time because I know you like Asian food.”
“You're right. I do. The aroma makes my mouth water.”
“The food here is very good.” Carler offered.
He helped her into her seat and then sat across from her. The waitress arrived almost immediately. They ordered drinks, and he ordered a couple of appetizers. Now, the waitress rushed away.
“Tell me where you have gotten on the plan to lure old Joe in?”
“There is nowhere to go except that you need to plan some kind of interview and have somebody like Davy in the background. If someone else is standing nearby and they say her name, I think he will assume it's her. It will look like it was caught in the background noise and wasn't intended to be broadcast.” Viv explained.
“Is your plan that we will watch closely and manage to catch Joe if he comes here?”
“If he doesn't come here, we will send a ghost Davy somewhere else to do work, hoping he makes a play for her. She won't be there, and no one who looks like her will be there. As soon as he enters the room, he will know she is not there, and we will have to spring our trap.”
“That way, it will limit the danger to any of the females around," Carler observed.
“Maybe. That guy is really crazy, and no one anywhere near him will be safe.”
He had to admit that she was right about that. The issues with his son and losing his position had driven him mad. His son had never really been suited to the authority that he had given him. He had other sons, but none were interested in being involved in the family business. Joe Senior had been pleased that one of his sons took an interest. Sadly, he ignored the fact that the boy was incapable. That hadn't been the only issue because his son had also been terribly spoiled and tried to take anything he could get and destroy it if he could not.
Davy had been lucky, but he wondered how many others had not. At this point, it didn't matter because the boy was in jail, and his father had lost his lofty position as a mob boss and now was just trying to get vengeance, even if it was undeserved. They were a cold, cruel, and calculating family that needed to be removed. Maybe watching the boy was possible, and he would suggest that to his assassin friend if he took the job. Doran might be able to work with this.
Normally, he would have expected a reply by now, but with everything going on, he had forgotten that he was waiting for him to say yes or no. Carler pulled up his radio and scrolled through it. There was nothing there. Now he took his phone and scrolled through it. That was where the answer was, and he had accepted the job. He checked out his phone and saw that the vibration was turned off. That may have happened during the fight in the security office. It was a surprise that his phone was in one piece.
“Something important happening?” Viv asked.
“No, I was just expecting an answer about an appointment and thought the applicant hadn't sent it. It seems he did, and I missed it. That's alright because he will just go through personnel and get started. Right now, we need everyone we can get.”
“I hope he's local and won't be an issue.”
“I've known him for years, but he's very picky about the jobs he takes.”