"Is that for real? Sounds like a fantasy," Viv commented.
"It is for real and probably closer than either of us know. I don't work with science projects, so I can only say what was presented to us. Most of the stuff that we work on is environmentally friendly in an attempt to save the planet. I'm not sure what it could mean if people could transport themselves without a vehicle."
"I can't even imagine. It just makes me wonder what else is being worked on worldwide that I don't know about."
"I imagine there is more than you know. We have found that several things are being developed that were purchased by companies that didn't want the plans to get out. It would have helped the environment enormously, and now we are trying to run down some of those projects and see if there is some way we can get a different scientist to develop them. Could you imagine unlimited energy without any effects on the environment?" Carler asked.
"No, I really can't. We've had to live with the pollution for so long it is normal."
It was sad that humanity seemed to be moving so far in certain areas, yet things were worse in other areas than ever. No matter how hard they tried to control the pollution and help the environment, they seemed to be going backward. Rumors that certain people bought control of any helpful devices that were invented were always prevalent. Was it true, or were they just manufactured by conspiracy buffs? How would the average person ever know? What she did know was that pollution and other issues seemed to get worse no matter what.
"I'd best get back to work," Viv announced.
She wouldn't be the one who solved her planet's problems. She didn't even seem to be able to solve all the problems the casino had.
When she went to the room where security monitored casino activities, the first thing she saw on the cameras was someone looking suspicious. The poor kid looked like she hadn't had a meal in a week or a shower in a month.
After watching carefully, it was obvious she was trying to use magnets to mess up the machines. Viv was no casino specialist, but she had often heard that it was an urban myth that magnets would have any effect on a slot machine. Nevertheless, having someone sit there and try to cheat a machine while taking no action was unacceptable.
She pointed out the girl to security and asked them to take her to one of the interrogation rooms. Viv got on the radio and requested a meal be brought to the same room. She had been told before that she had a soft heart, but she knew most of these people had been manipulated by Joe Senior and otherwise would not done what they did. The girl had clearly fallen into hard times and needed help up–not to be pushed down. Maybe there was something Viv could do to help put this kid on the right path.
The sound of a disturbance outside of the room rang through the building. The young girl was obviously giving the guards hell. Viv was sure she had a fake ID because there was no way the girl was twenty-one. She was brought in and told to sit in the chair, but she refused and stood anyway. Viv nodded to the guards to leave. Shortly after that, two meals were delivered.
"If you sit, you can have this meal. Of course, it is your choice," Viv offered.
The girl looked at the meal suspiciously, so Viv switched the trays. "You can take either. I don't mind."
She thought the young girl might even want both since Viv had eaten a large meal not long before.
The smell of food must have convinced her because she sat and then fell over the meal in front of her. Maybe she had decided she would rather die from the food than from the lack of it.
"Why did you bring me here?" She asked after swallowing the first bite.
"You're trying to use magnets to get the machine to hit. It won't work, but it doesn't look good to allow you to do that around a room full of customers."
"Joe said you would tell me that."
"First of all, I would like you to tell me your name. Secondly, I will tell you that even attempting to disrupt the machines is against the law and can get you arrested."
Viv wondered if the kid even cared. At least in jail, she would get three squares and a cot.
"Joe told me not to let you intimidate me."
Viv quickly pulled up some information on Joe Senior that had aired on a big news station. She turned the computer so the child could clearly see and turned it on. "Is this Joe? You are taking advice from a former mob boss?"
"So, what? He gave me a little money to gamble, and this place gives out free drinks. I had nothing to lose."
"Could you tell me your name?"
"My name is Fingers."
"Do you like that name? Makes you sound like a thief," Viv suggested.
"Maybe that's what I am. Maybe that's the only way I can make a living. Are you going to eat any of that food?" Fingers asked, pointing at the plate in front of Viv.
Viv pushed it to her. "I had a big lunch."
"Must be nice. How about another drink?"