Humans were strange creatures of many sizes, shapes, and personalities. Carler was uncertain how to deal with them, especially the lovely Vivian, ex-FBI agent.
She was beautiful and intelligent but consumed by a pain he couldn't help her deal with. It was the pain that everything came back to, and even though it had now been several years, she was still where she had been when her lover had died. The woman was loyal, and he wanted that loyalty for himself. She was his fated mate, whether she believed it or not.
She'd found a job she could really sink her teeth into with the support she hadn't gotten in the past. Vivian could go after those who had ruined her life and killed her lover. Until she did, nothing could move forward for her. There would be nothing in her life and no happiness of any kind until the one responsible for all of it was taken or killed. She didn't mind taking out the others, but they didn't mean much. Her life would begin again when Joe Maggio, Senior, was dealt with.
Chapter 1
The Fight
Viv, as she was often called, was tired. She'd been working hard all day trying to nip the small problems old Joe was causing in the bud. She wanted to fight him, but he was sending little problems their way that took a lot of time to handle. Even with the assistance of Landra, one of Ranger's people, it was hard for her to keep up with all the troublesome problems he sent her way.
Even the fact that security was assisting did not help. Joe was finding mentally unstable people and selling them on the idea that those who ran this country were dragons. She admitted that the people were extremely attractive and intelligent, but there was no proof that dragons existed anywhere on Earth. Joe Senior was a salesman. He sold the belief in dragons so strongly that people were terrified the winged beasts would get a foothold on the planet.
It helped that he never told them who he was and presented himself as a well-meaning person just trying to take care of the planet Earth.
Alien dragons? What a laugh.
The problem was none of the people he sent their way were laughing. He didn't even have to pay them to cause trouble. He just gave them transportation and wished them the best of luck.
Viv was in her office working hard on paperwork. No one liked it, and she was no exception. She wasn't sure why they had moved her into a shared office with Carler. Ranger said it was because she was Carler's second, and he was over those things she was working on.
It was as if thinking about Carler summoned him. Walking into the office, he moved behind his desk and sat down. The look on his face said something unpleasant had happened, and she couldn't help but wonder what.
"We're going to be sending you on a trip. We have Joe Senior's location and hope he can finally be taken down. The mob is through with him. They have chosen someone else to take his position. Insiders informed us that Joe was not happy. They fear he will try to attack the guy who took over his spot. It's a sad day when criminals turn on other criminals and use people like us to take care of their problems," Carler informed.
"We have a chance to take him down. I don't know why you seem so unhappy about it."
"I'm sure he is aware someone is coming after him. He's causing too many people trouble. If he's expecting it, he will fight back, which will be dangerous."
"I didn't know you cared," Vivian quipped.
"Liar. You know exactly how I feel."
In the blink of an eye, he was next to her. Pulling her out of her chair, he wrapped his arms around her. Viv had less than a second to decide what to do. So, she ended up doing nothing.
Gently putting his lips to hers, it was the first time in a long time Viv felt something other than pain and hate. Warmth flooded through her as his tongue pried open her lips, and the sweet kiss turned into something far more exciting, full of passion and need.
It took her a moment to realize what was happening. Snapping out of the trance his kiss had caused, Viv stepped back and pressed her hands against his chest to prevent him from following.
In reality, Carler was so strong that she could do nothing to stop him, but she also knew he wouldn't force her to do anything she didn't want to do. Thankfully, she was right. He let her move back and also stepped back. It was a good thing she would be leaving for a while. It would give them a little time to think about this relationship that could never be.
Viv didn't think she would ever get over the love she had lost so tragically. That was why she could never seek another. Doug had been the perfect partner in every way that mattered. He'd been good at his job, too good. He'd been sweet and romantic, the perfect lover. They'd also been friends, which she had noticed was unusual in relationships. There were enough things they disagreed about to keep things interesting, but in most areas, they agreed. How could she ever expect to find something like that again?
It was true that life went on, but it was also true that life was not the same. Viv knew she was having a pity party, but if anyone was entitled to it, she was. She needed revenge to get closure. While it was true that Doug had died quickly from an assassin's bullet, she wasn't sure she would show the same mercy to the ones she was after.
"Landra and her mate will be going with you," Carler mentioned.
"Kareth has never worked with me before."
"Landra will keep him in line. You need extra protection. He is one of the best, and so is she. They will be very protective and ensure your safety. This is not up for discussion. The seats have already been reserved."
"I thought I was in charge?" Viv observed.
"You are in charge to a point, but you have supervisors, and they can always pull rank. That is what I am doing now. We will protect you whether you want to be protected or not."
Bossy alpha male!