Chapter 1
Moving On
Things were different now. He was gone and she needed to move on. What she needed to do first was come up with a plan then follow it. Money would be a concern and if she could find a way to work part time it would help. One problem was there was more work on the poor run-down farm than she could ever hope to do on her own. Grandpa had been ill a while and things had gone to pieces.
There were still a few cows and pigs. Even a horse or two remained. The barn was full of hay which kept well since it was sheltered. Their garden was mostly in poor shape except for a small part she’d kept up with. The fences were awful, and the house needed work. Upstairs was the equivalent of an apartment that could be rented to a small family. This was after all a big old farmhouse. There were four bedrooms on the other two levels, and she could rent out three of them for now.
Normally, she loved her privacy but right now, money ruled. Ariel would be her best advisor. Usually, she’d never just drop in on someone, but Ariel lived around a pack and people were in and out all the time.
Today was no exception and she saw several guys she didn’t know giving her the eye. One took a deep breath. No doubt he scented human and he lost interest. Two others looked undecided. The last guy was hot as hell. Tall, dark, handsome and muscled nicely, his interest was intact. It was really a shame she had no time to stay a bit.
Ariel didn’t act as excited as she usually did. Maybe these were people she didn’t want to let know anything about their private relationship. “Hello, Ariel. I came by to discuss some business.”
The other two guys lost any interest they had retained. “Sure. Let’s go to my office. Tank. This might interest you.” Ariel suggested.
Yes, if was the guy she liked. He looked vaguely familiar. They all three went into her office. “Those other guys are a drain to be around.” Ariel admitted. “I think I know what you want, and I can help you. Tank, aren’t you looking for a temporary place to stay while you remodel your cabin?”
“Yes, just a room for a few weeks.” He replied.
“That work for you, Missy?”
“That would help.”
“What do you need in return? Protection?” He asked.
“A bit of work on a farm.”
“I can do that.”
“Okay. You’re taken care of Tank. You and Missy can work things out later.”
The hotty seemed to realize he’d been dismissed, and he left. “You’ve picked a good time with the cats coming into the area. You have a 2-bedroom upstairs apartment, right? And two more bedrooms to rent?”
“I’ll send people to see you. Work or rent right?”
“The apartment might be best for rent.” Missy admitted.
“I can do that. What is your plan for the farm?”
“I’d like to get the fences fixed and the garden done so I can plant it soon. There’s so much work. I thought I’d get it planned in baby steps.”
“Getting your renters and working on the fences and the garden is a good start.” Ariel approved.
They went back out and ate breakfast and she headed home feeling a sense of accomplishment. She hoped the renters would work out. Ariel was simply the best. It was possible she might have another room to rent out. There was a storage room on the second floor, but it needed emptied first. Looking through it would be hard since it was full of items attached to her family. Some might be worth money while others might only have value as family items.
Her cousin Andi would help, she was sure of it. That she’d want first shot at any items she’d sell was also a certainty. Missy gave her a call. “Andi here.”
“This is Missy. I need you to come over soon.”
“Sure. What’s up?”
“I’ve got a storage room full of things I need help checking out.”
“What about tomorrow morning? I’ll bring donuts.” Andi offered.
“Thanks. See you then.”