“Ouch!” Rash yelled.
“Oh, stow it.” Moe said.
“She’s not nice.” Rash whispered. His buddy just nodded and watched Moe carefully. As if there was a thing he could do to stop whatever she planned to do to him.
“They broke in and I caught them.” Tank explained.
That’s when Tyne and Moe took a deep breath, but they didn’t ask anything. They figured things out on their own. “Did they tell you anything?” Tyne asked.
“They said they were hired to catch Missy and bring her to this guy. They said they know she’s not a white wolf, but he thinks she is, so they thought they’d make some money.” Tank admitted.
“So they are just trying to benefit from someone else’s stupidity.” Moe commented.
“Pretty much.” Missy agreed. “They said he didn’t know when they’d get me so he might still be waiting, but not much longer.”
“You want to try to catch him?” Tyne asked.
“We need to try.” Missy observed.
“She’s right.” Moe agreed.
“Should she really do this? What if he gets her and gets away or hurts her?” Tank wondered.
“She’s tougher than she looks.” Tyne offered.
“She doesn’t look tough at all.” Tank observed.
“This needs to be fast or not at all.” Moe noted.
“Let’s do this.” Missy suggested.
Apparently, Tank was outvoted. Had it been anyone but Missy, he’d have agreed. They would go ahead with what the others wanted. Freeing the tied-up losers, Tyne talked to them about what would happen if they didn’t do exactly as they agreed. If they followed directions, they would be let loose.
Missy wasn’t tied up just led away between them. She had a tracker and a listening device. They followed in Tyne’s SUV far enough behind they would see them. The losers and Missy didn’t talk. It didn’t take long to get her to the guy.
“Why isn’t she tied up?” The guy asked.
“This girl couldn’t hurt a fly.” Rash observed.
“Here’s your money. Get lost. So, you’re a white wolf?” He asked.
“Says who?” Missy asked.
“You hang out with them.” He observed.
“A lot of people do. I grew up around here. You may be very disappointed.” Missy laughed.
“Why are you laughing? That just means I’ll have to kill you and start over.”
“Are you that cold?” She asked.
“I’ll do what I need to.” He admitted.
“You’ll get caught and punished.”
“Why would they care about you?”
“They care about everyone. They are nice people.” She admitted.