Page 14 of Tank

Chapter 5

That Bear

Missy liked him and the sex had been great, but it made her feel like a whore. She’d just fallen into bed with him driven crazy with a need she couldn’t explain. It was still impossible to explain the connection she felt to that bear. They’d finished their work and he’d helped her clean up. There were so many good things about him.

He never minded helping and she got more done with him then she ever expected like the fence today. Even with the sex last night they’d managed to get the pipes done first. It was inexplicable. The guy was just that good. He was sexy, likable, and capable in seemingly everything. She didn’t know what to say. None of the guys held a candle to him as a sex partner. But what did it mean?

Did he plan to take her until he had his place done then leave without looking back? Or did he want more? What did she even want from him? This whole thing was driving her crazy, no doubt. She’d ask Ariel, but her reputation as a match maker was too well known. If she pursued this relationship and it went wrong, the pain would do her in.

She got ready for bed and settled in for the hot dreams she knew would come. And boy, were they hot. When she woke in the morning, she felt like she’d been rode hard and put up wet. A shower as hot as she could stand helped straighten her out. Now she hurried to the kitchen to toss together a quick breakfast and try to get the dishes done quickly before Tank showed up. Oops, too late. There he was. She had the food ready, and they sat down to eat.

They went to the next fence and started on it. The work was hard, but the results made her happy. Lunch time came around quickly and she left him to finish up so she could get the food on the table. She’d hoped for time to finish the dishes in the sink, but Tank was here already.

Their plates were already fixed but he ate fast so she dropped everything and sat down to eat with him. They both seemed to enjoy the meal and dessert. She put everything in the sink once more as Tank pulled out the list and set it on the table. With the dishes soaking, they headed out to finish their day. Supper was an easy meal of leftovers, sandwiches, chips, and the rest of the dessert from earlier.

They both ate then went their separate ways, he went to get ready for a good night’s sleep and she finished the dishes. It was early in the morning hours when sounds woke them all and they headed to the hall. Doris entered the hallway looking pissed off.

“Some wolf came into my bedroom looking for something. He left really quick. I don’t know what he was after.” She offered.

“You’re a good looking female. Maybe he thought you were wolf, or he didn’t care. Good for you to give him more than he expected.” Tank observed.

“Way to go.” Jag added.

“I’m so sorry this happened. We’ll up our security. It’s just never been needed before. I’ll call Tyne.” Missy noted.

“Hey. It’s okay. Call Tyne. But not for me. You’re not as mean as I am, and he might have hurt you.” Doris patted her on the back softly.

Missy knew she was right. In the morning early, she’d call Tyne and get the help she needed. Something was going on and it needed to be rooted out. For now, she’d best get back to bed and rest so tomorrow would be a product day.

The morning came quickly. She called and Moe answered. “What’s up, Cuz?”

“Someone broke in my house, but they got Doris’ room and she beat them back. It was a wolf. I need security.”

“Tyne and I will come after breakfast. Be careful.”

“Tank is here. I should be fine.”

She began to fix breakfast. Pancakes and bacon would be easy. It wasn’t long before Tank was up and eating so she finished cooking and ate too. Moe and Tyne came before they were through, and she gave them each a couple of pancakes.

“Tell me your troubles.” Moe encouraged.

She went through what had happened last night again. “This is the first time anything like this has happened.”

“I bet Jag being here drew attention Missy’s way.” Tank commented.

“Oh?” Tyne asked.

“He’s looking for white wolves. It’s pretty obvious.” Missy mentioned.

“Why would he think you’re one?” Moe asked.

“Anyone could be one.” Missy observed.

“But you?” Moe giggled.

“Hey, you’re making me feel less.”

“Sorry. Jag must be a dufus to be sniffing around you.” Moe added.