Breathing hard, I hang my head. “Maybe you’re right,” I mutter, hating how his words cut into me. The zip tie breaks in two.
Takada tuts. “Aww. What’s the matter, human? I strike a nerve? I’ll take good care of him after you’re—”
I snap my head up and slam it into his chin. Yelping, Takada stumbles back and loses his footing, falling flat on his ass. Fury surges through me, and I pounce. The hunters and Takada-kai members shout as I swing at Takada. My fist strikes the ground as he rolls out of the way. The pavement rips the skin from my knuckles, and searing pain racks my hand.
“Piece of shit!” Takada kicks at me.
His foot plows into my injured rib, and pain spasms through me as I tumble over. Takada charges, preparing another kick. I throw up my arms and absorb the blow, which reverberates through my wrist down to the bone.
With a snarl of rage, Takada stamps. I roll out of the way of his foot and get my feet under me, propelling myself up. He charges, and I launch myself into his attack. I’m shorter than him, so it’s easier to get my arms around his middle and hit him in the stomach again and again. My fist pommels his hard stomach, and when he grunts above me, adrenaline rushes through me.
With a roar, Takada brings his weight down on me, and we drop to the ground. Takada yanks my arm behind my back, making me holler as he twists it at an unnatural angle. My shoulder cracks and waves of agony ripple up my arm. Takada pins my neck with his knee, crushing me to the ground. I struggle as my air gets choked off.
The priestess circles us, pouring salt on the ground around us.
“Don’t let her!” Tamano shouts, but it’s hopeless. I can’t get Takada off me. He’s too strong.
“Clear the circle, please!” the priestess commands.
Snarling, Takada plows his fist into my head. My ears ring, blacking out my vision for a few seconds as I struggle to remain conscious.
“Hurry the hell up!” Akira roars.
The priestess lifts her staff and begins to chant, low and guttural, as she walks the perimeter of the salt circle. Sucking in a gulp of air, I lurch to my feet and try to run. Instead, I crash into an invisible barrier. Panic claws at my chest. Shit! There’s no way out! No matter which way I go, an invisible wall where the salt circle is cuts me off. The hunters jeer and laugh. Takada blows out smoke, eyes intent upon me.
The priestess waves her staff, shaking the streamers over my head. Pain erupts through my chest. My knees give out, and I collapse, too weak and stricken with pain to stand. A fire burns beneath my skin, so hot it feels like it will consume me from the inside out.
“It’s over!” Tamano wails, slamming her fists against the invisible wall. “Forgive me, my love!”
I have no idea who she’s talking to, but through the pain, all I can think about is Raiden. Will he forgive me for dying, for hurting him so deeply? There was so much I wanted to do with him, so many places we could have seen. Our lives together had just begun.
“Raiden? Where are you? Hurry. Please. I need you.”
I choke as black mist pours from my throat, taking the shape of a spectral fox.
My vision blackens at the edges, the darkness coming for me.
With the last of my strength, I call out across our bond, “Raiden!”
A deafening crash shakes the warehouse to its foundation. Metal screams as it bends. Alarmed shouts echo through the room. The pain gripping me suddenly fades completely. Heaving in a breath, I roll over onto my stomach. There’s a black car in the middle of what remains of the warehouse doors. My heart skips a beat as the red thread around my finger thrums with power.
Raiden leaps from the car. His eyes are black with fury, fangs bared, black fur rippling over his arms and face. He’s half-shifted, his powerful body straining against the restraints of his clothes. He stares right through the hunters and I can finally breathe again when those predatory eyes collide with mine.
I’ve never been happier to see anyone in my life.
“You came…” My voice is hushed, reverent.
A confident smirk tips Raiden’s mouth, but only I know him well enough to notice the relief that soothes the feral rage in his eyes. “Of course I did. You called for me, didn’t you?”
“Nobody move, he’s mine!” Ishida shouts, and the gun bucks as he fires.
Raiden stumbles with a snarl as the bullet pierces his shoulder.
Something deep inside me wakes up with a low, furious growl. Raiden’s citrusy blood floods my nose, and fury rises from within me.
“Now, attack!” Takada roars, and his men come streaming in through the warehouse doors, charging side by side with Raiden’s people.
The kitsune roars deep within my soul, baying for blood and death.