Once Ren leaves, I cross to the window and look out over the streets of the city—my city.
I should feel like the emperor himself. Powerful, untouchable.
Instead, I feel like there’s a blade aimed at me from the shadows, waiting to strike.
The only question is, will the attack come from the hunters or from within my own pack?
Chapter 7
Raiden won’t answer his phone.
I finished my article about the killing of the Horikoshi-gumi, sent it off to my editor for printing in the morning edition, and spent the afternoon typing out a story about the shooting. Raiden gave me enough information over breakfast this morning that even without attending the press conference, I’m sure I’ll have enough information for an engaging story.
Now that I have nothing else to do but sit around and wait, worry gnaws at me. I know I’m supposed to be on the down-low after the attack, but so is Raiden, and he can apparently go wherever he wants. So why can’t I?
“Because he doesn’t trust you not to get hurt.”
I jump as the otherworldly voice whispers in my ear.
“You’re weak. Far too weak to be his mate. You’re nothing but a burden to him.”
Gnashing my teeth, I sit up and snap, “Would you cut it out?”
Tamano-no-Mae looks very out of place in this dingy apartment with her flowing red kimono and sandals. Despite the abundance of sunlight in the room, she casts no shadow, telling me she isn’t really here. Her red lips curl into a sneer. “It’s the truth, dear. Maybe not one you wished to hear, but the truth does sometimes hurt.”
“Raiden does trust me. He’s just being overprotective.” I try and focus on my laptop screen. Annoyance rises in me when I can still feel her eyes on me. “Seriously, what’s your problem with him? You try and make me kill him. You belittle how he feels about me. What, are you jealous or something?” I probably shouldn’t tease an ancient and powerful kitsune, but I woke up and chose violence today, apparently.
Her eyes blacken with anger. Huh. I guess I struck a nerve. “You are jealous!” I squawk. “What happened? Get dumped?”
Her hair begins to bristle, face twisting in fury. “You insolent little—”
A pounding noise makes me jump. Someone’s banging on the door.
When I look back, Tamano is gone. That’s too bad. I felt like I was getting close to an answer. I guess I should’ve had more tact, but it’s kind of hard for me to sympathize with the evil spirit who wants to kill my boyfriend for unknown reasons.
Darting across the room, I look through the peephole. Horror freezes my insides.
“Holy shit.” I wrench open the door, and Raiden practically falls inside, held upright by Ren and another yakuza member. “What happened?” My voice borders on hysterical as I race after them toward the sofa. They lower Raiden onto the couch.
“Another hunter attack, this time in Shinjuku. We went to aid the Atsushi-kai,” Ren says, but I barely hear her. Blood soaks Raiden’s shirt, which is torn in places. His hair glistens with what I think is sweat until a line of crimson trickles down his forehead.
“I thought you said you and the Takada-kai were the only yakuza shifters in the city.”
“We are. I don’t know why the hunters targeted them. It makes no sense!”
“Is he okay?” My lips shake, and I can’t feel my hands or feet. Everything’s gone numb.
“He’s healing, just slowly. Silver got into his bloodstream, but no poison.” Ren accepts a damp cloth the other yakuza hands her, and she starts wiping away blood. Shaking too much to stand, I collapse next to the sofa and clasp Raiden’s hand. My heart throbs, eyes stinging.
“You bastard,” I whisper through a throat tight with anguish. “Screw you for making me worry like this…”
Ren’s sorrowful stare weighs on me. “He’ll be okay.”
I bear down on my inner cheek so I don’t lose it, tasting blood. This isn’t fucking okay. He shouldn’t be bleeding out yet again. I told him… I fucking begged him not to retaliate, and he did it anyway. Why won’t he just listen?
“Isn’t it obvious?” Tamano looms over the sofa, a smirk on her red lips as she runs her hand over Raiden’s chest, fingers coming away red. “He likes it. Likes the power. Likes the danger.”
My teeth sharpen to fangs, and I yank my hand away from Raiden’s as I sprout claws. Maybe she’s right. If, when, we’re able to start a life together safely… will Raiden even want to leave this life behind? I know he’s implied he wants a normal life, but I can’t imagine him working a normal job. Can’t imagine him being satisfied with me.