Page 78 of Truck Off

I follow her gaze and smile. Sliding my finger along her thigh, I pick up the two ladybugs that landed on her. “They are. You know what this means, right?”

She shakes her head.

“It’s a sign of good luck to come. Two means double the luck.”

She raises a brow. “You don’t really believe that, do you?”

I scoff and mock shock at her skepticism. “Of course I do. Ladybugs always bring good luck. They’re a sign of protection, healing, and good fortune. They’re life-givers. Just look around.” I wave my hand toward the field in front of us. “My fields are covered in ladybugs. That means I’m going to have a great harvest.”

She studies me for a moment. Her expression softens. “Why is that exactly?”

“Ladybugs ward off pest insects, so my crops are healthier. My soybeans will flourish, and my corn will be sweeter because they’re here.”

“Hmm.” She wraps her arms around my neck. “I didn’t know that.”

“Glad I could teach you something.” I squeeze her ass before I give it a light slap. “Come on. Let’s get inside. I’ll make us some breakfast.”

She lets out a low groan. “I can’t. I need to get home and check on Dad. Plus, he’s probably worried about me. It’s not like me not to come home.”

“Okay,” I say, trying to hide my disappointment. “I’ll drive you.”

She shakes her head. “Just take me to my car. I need to get it anyway.”

“Your car is already here. It’s in the shop.”

She pushes back from me and glares at me like I just insulted her. “Say what?”

I furrow my brows. “Yesterday, Christian and Mac went and grabbed your car from the school. They had trouble getting it to start and discovered you needed a new fuel pump, so I had them take it to the shop to fix it up.”

“No!” She jumps off my lap. Whatever happiness I saw a few moments ago is replaced with anger. “I can’t afford to pay for that yet. Please tell me they haven’t started on it.”

“Baby, don’t worry about it.” I reach for her, but she pulls away. “It’s no big deal. We had the part already and Sophia said she’d come in and change it for you.”

“You made Sophia fix my car?” Her voice rises, startling my goats.

“No, I didn’t make her do it. She offered. Mac had plans at the track with Ash and she was free.”

She shoves her hands into her hair and huffs. “Is it ready? I need to get out of here.”

I shake my head. “The hoses were brittle. We didn’t have the right size. Liam will pick those up in town tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow!” she yells. “I can’t go without my car, Chase. How am I supposed to get home? I have to work.”

“I’ll take you.” I keep my voice calm even though her reaction is causing a whirlpool of anxiety to build inside me. When I reach for her hand, she jerks away and rushes toward the stables.

“The hell you will.” She grumbles under her breath.

I rush past her and pull her close to me. She struggles against my hold, but I refuse to let her go. “Why are you so mad?”

“Let me go.” She struggles harder and pounds her fist against my chest.

I run my hand up her back and cup her neck, forcing her to look up at me. “Not until you talk to me and tell me why you’re so mad.”

Her breathing is heavy and the angry look in her eyes cuts through me like daggers, but I don’t back down. If I do, I’ll lose her.

She closes her eyes and slows her breathing. Then she lets out a barely audible sigh and drops her forehead to my chest. “I can’t afford to fix it yet. I needed to wait until next month.”

“Lina, baby.” I slide my hand into her hair and hold her tighter. “You don’t owe us any money. I told you, I want to take care of you.”