And his blatant disrespect for my boundaries?
There’s only so much I can take.
Jameson slips out of my hold and continues undressing me, doing a little fist pump when he successfully drags my pants down my legs. His gaze immediately drops to the bulge in my boxers. “God, I love you, Wyatt.” His words are immediately followed with a groan as he sits back on his calves. “Fuck, I wanted that to be romantic.”
I forgot how adorable Jameson is when he’s drunk.
He uses my knees to gain purchase, admiring the tattoos covering my chest and arms. “Big spoon or little spoon?”
That’s not even a debate. I fucking love Jameson trying to wrap himself around me but tonight, I want to hold him. “Big spoon.”
“You got it. Right after I get an aspirin.”
He blinks a few times and then sighs, his entire body relaxing as if he’s shoving off the weight of the party. I lean toward the nightstand and open the drawer to sift through an old pile of pain medicine. I unearth an aspirin and swipe the water bottle from my nightstand.
I haven’t been in this room for months so there shouldn’t be anything usable in here save for the bed sheets. It takes me a few moments to realize that Jameson probably set everything up just in case, a thought cemented when my gaze snags on the nightlight plugged in by the door. I hand the aspirin to Jameson and watch him chug half the bottle before placing it back on the table.
“I love you too, James,” I say, needing him to hear it. The warm smile I get in response has butterflies flitting around my stomach as he pushes me back onto the mattress. Not soon enough he sheds his sweater and his pants, revealing the hidden figure I’ve fallen in love with. Where most of Reggie’s friends live in a gym, Jameson’s body is natural. He’s not bulked up, a little extra hugging his waist and arms.
Despite our bedroom banter, Jameson is fucking adorable.
It might be a weird thing to think, the man being four years older than me but even his smile is precious.
He slips into bed after me, snuggling up against my chest. Then he flips over and pushes his ass against my cock before dragging my arm around his waist. “I’ll fuck you in the morning, babe.” A few seconds later, I hear his light snore.
Classic Jameson.
To anyone else, he might seem inconsiderate but Jameson knows that his presence is everything I need. It helps keep the nightmares at bay, my gaze falling on the night light once again. It’s a little grenade, neon green light shining from it.
It’s the small things that make me fall deeper in love with the man currently pressed against my chest. The things that nobody sees or understands. None of this will ever make sense to Reggie.
But I can’t let Jameson go.
I just have to work up the courage to say it in public.
Chapter 4
I wake up with my face smashed into a muscular chest, the thick scent of pine and musk suffocating my nose. It’s the best fucking thing to wake up to, especially with his arm banded around my back like I’m going to disappear in the middle of the night. He’s told me too many times that I keep the nightmares at bay so if he thinks I’m ever leaving him, he has another thing coming.
I press a kiss to Wyatt’s chest, watching him shuffle against me before relaxing again. “Morning, handsome,” I purr as I pull away just enough to catch the sleepy look on his rugged face. “How did you sleep?” Reaching up, I run my fingers along his scruff, loving how soft it feels beneath my touch.
A rumble runs through his chest as he twists his head to kiss my palm. “I always sleep well when you’re next to me.” The deep honey tone of his voice warms me from the inside as he continues to kiss my palm. Needing more, I use my free hand to reach between us and give him a few experimental strokes. We probably shouldn’t be doing this in Reggie’s house but it’s been a little while since I’ve had my man in my bed.
I also did promise Wyatt I’d fuck him in the morning.
His face scrunches up as his hips rock into my hand. “We shouldn’t.” His words contradict his movements as he buries his head in my shoulder, grunting every time I give him another stroke through his boxers. “Fuck, Reggie is across the hall.”
“Probably drunk off his ass and won’t wake up for another hour.” I crack a smile, letting Wyatt know that if he wants to stop, I absolutely will. His comfort is more important than my need to be inside him. His comfort will always be more important.
“Fuck it. If he figures it out, I don’t care anymore. God, I need you more than whatever hang-ups he has.” He rolls onto his back, pulling me with him. There aren’t many times when Wyatt is dominant when we’re alone but the way his fingers dig into my hips as he grinds me down against him is everything.
He leans up to kiss me, his tongue thrusting into my mouth as we tangle together in a combination of passion and craving for each other. “Does this mean I get to show you off, babe?”
“Right after you fuck me.”
I chuckle. “You say such sweet words.” Not quickly enough, I shed our boxers and reach into the bedside table for lube. Thank fuck I remembered some last night. Even if Wyatt hadn’t stayed over, I would have used his bedroom rather than flopping onto the couch downstairs with the rest of them. I love them like brothers but they need to understand we aren’t in college anymore.