My voice is cold and hard, but not toward her, and she knows that. “What’d they do?”
“Nothing,” she says softly, her shoulders folding inward. She looks down at the lattice table.
Usually I’d snap at whoever was sitting in front of me lying, saying nothing’s wrong when there’s obviously an issue, but I wait patiently for Anna to continue. She’s hurt, and it’s showing. I know she’ll tell me what the deal is, but she just needs a moment. She traces the metal openwork design of the table absently. “They were just upset that I accepted your offer to pay for my classes,” she tells me slowly, her eyes finally reaching mine as she visibly swallows.
My fists clench at my side, and my jaw tenses. Those fucking bastards. Why hurt her? All they care about are themselves.
“They just don’t understand,” she continues, picking up her coffee cup with both hands. She takes a hesitant sip and then says, “They just need a little time. You know how they...” she shrugs, “lash out.”
My heart thuds in my chest as I calm my rage. Hothead. I used to be a hothead. But I’m wiser now, and she doesn’t need my anger.
“Are you alright?” I finally ask.
She gives me a sad smile and says, “I am.” Her hand reaches for mine on the table and I take it. “I promise I’m okay. But they won’t be coming to the party.”
She clears her throat, and I give her hand a quick squeeze before letting go. I knew they’d make her choose between me and them. Cowards.
“So...” she draws out the word, “are you coming?” I can hear the vulnerability in her voice, and it shreds me. I can’t leave her with no family at her event. But a fucking holiday party?
“Please say you’ll come,” she implores.
I suck in a breath and concede. “I’ll go.” Five fucking minutes is all she’ll need. Knowing her, she’ll be busy socializing and won’t even notice once I’m gone. I’ll just make an appearance to make her happy.
She jumps in her seat and reaches across the small circular table, giving me a tight hug. It forces a smile to my lips, and I pat her back in return.
She finally sits and all seems right with her world again.
“You need a date,” she says confidently. No doubt she already has some friend from school lined up who she thinks is perfect for me.
I don’t trust a soul.
I don’t put myself out there to be stabbed in the back and taken for granted.
Besides, the auction is coming up.
“I don’t, Anna.” I click the side button on my phone, knowing it’s about time to leave. And I’m right. “I do need to get back to work though.”
She pouts and says, “But I just got here.”
“You were late, Anna.” I stand and slip my jacket back on, buttoning it while she leans over and kisses my cheek.
“Fine,” she says, smiling. Her voice lowers as she says, “I’m really happy you’re going, Lucian.”
I give her a smile, feeling a slight pain in my chest. I’ll go, but I’m leaving as soon as I fucking can.
“I’ll talk to you soon.”
I’m still tense as I walk away. My family, the memories… the fucking lawsuits. It’s just another reason that I prefer to stick to my routines and stay away from all this shit. I don’t need anyone in my life, and they sure as fuck don’t need me in their lives.
“Is something bothering you?” Carla asks me intuitively before taking a bite out of her celery stick that’s slathered with a generous smear of peanut butter.
We’re having lunch on the third floor of the building in Explicit Designs’ famed Divanista cafeteria. Although we share the building with other companies, this room is exclusively for our use, and it’s one large open space with glass tables with shiny steel legs set up sporadically around the room. The floor-to-ceiling windows on the back wall provide a breathtaking view of the skyline downtown. Naturally, I’ve opted to sit right next to one of the windows. I love the landscape. It’s one of the reasons I chose to come to the city here for school.
For my meal, I’ve decided on a diet soda and an apple. It’s not much, but considering my mood, I don’t have much of an appetite. The stress of not having enough money is really getting to me. I wish I could look past it, but I can’t. I don’t see a way out of this mess while still keeping this internship. And backing out could ruin my career before it even gets started. It’s a no-win situation, and every day it’s becoming harder and harder to deny that I’m fucked.