“How could you be responsible for Kerrigan cheating on me? That’s on him. I don’t get the impression that you modeled that kind of behavior.”
“I didn’t. And while his mom is selfish, which I found out after I married her, she was generous with him.” I scrub my hands over my face. “I doubt Kerrigan told you this, but when he was a baby, he had a lot of health issues. For a few months, we were afraid he wasn’t going to make it. If you’re a parent, and every time you go to the doctor’s office they tell you your child could die… when he survives, it feels like an absolute miracle.” Henry’s face is so soft right now, I could kiss him. I keep going, though. “Couple that with me and Jennifer not really knowing each other and being so young …” I sigh. “Anyway, once Kerrigan got to be a little older, and we were out of the woods in terms of his health, we had a hard time saying no to him. He didn’t end up with boundaries I now wish he had. And I don’t know how to teach him that anymore.”
“Do you still wish you could teach him?”
“Of course.” I’m not really thinking about Kerrigan, though. Instead, I’m studying Henry. He’s so beautiful, with his wide-open eyes and his hair that’s all fluffy from getting rained on and then towel-dried. He’s wearing my clothes and sitting on my furniture, and he just looks like he belongs in my life.
While part of me feels like an utter asshole for even thinking it, the selfish part of me wants him for myself.
“I can’t help it,” Henry muses.
“Help what?” I say.
“Trying again.”
“With Kerrigan?” I ask, my eyebrows raising.
He snorts. “No. Asking you again to be with me. After all, the app matched us up. Isn’t that telling us something?
I let out a breath. “Maybe it is.”
“So, what do you say, Keane? Let me touch you?”
Jesus tap-dancing Christ, Henry is going to be the death of me.
My heartbeat feels as loud as the thunder outside, shaking the windows in their panes. I want to run, but I also want to face my truth.
A hopeful smile spreads across Keane’s face. “You think that’s the best plan?”
I nod.
“Okay, then.” He opens his arms, and I take the invitation to straddle his lap. His hands stay at his sides, almost like he’s scared to touch me. To break that seal. Finally, he cradles my face between his palms and looks at me, desire clear in his eyes. “Are we doing this?”
I swallow and nod. “When we have to talk to Kerrigan, is CUPID going to be our excuse? Because we’re lying to ourselves if we think he’s not going to find out.”
“We’ll deal with Kerrigan,” Keane assures me. “If there’s a reason to tell him about us, and I think there will be, we’ll be straightforward with him.”
“Okay,” I whisper.
“What about your anxiety? Do you need to wash your hands? Or do you need me to wash mine?”
“No. That’s only when I’m going to eat.” Keane’s expression turns wicked. “Food,” I clarify, my cheeks heating. “Food, eating food. I’m good with other things. Licking, or, you know. Kissing. I don’t have to wash my hands to kiss. If that’s something you’d want.”
Keane inhales sharply. “I want you. Plain and simple. I want the man who came to my door in nothing but the most outrageous shorts. The man who some computer program thinks is perfect for me. The man I’ve enjoyed chatting with. The man I found under the awning. I like what’s underneath this.” He gestures down my body. “But I also think you’re beautiful as fuck. I know this is a little unconventional?—”
“If you’re feeling weird about it—” I start.
Keane sits up and kisses me, his hands resting just under my jaw.
Oh, God.
His kiss is searing. I don’t know what weather phenomena are going on, but I know that the atmosphere is charged. His tongue dips inside my mouth, and I open for him, kissing him back.
Heaven. Utter heaven.