A creak sounded in the room, and I turned to see the metal hatch sliding.
My eyebrows flicked up. They’d already delivered my dinner of stale bread and water.
I crossed to the door and stood on my tiptoes. I pressed my hand against the iron bars and peered through the hatch.
At the sight of the Pater standing just before my door, my veins crackled with quiet fury. Warm light glinted off his armored chest, and his white cloak draped over his shoulders. In the darkened hall, he stood eerily still.
He steepled his gloved fingers. “Hello, Mother of Death.”
Drain him of life, the Serpent rasped in my skull.
My fingers twitched. “Do you want to come in?”
A small smile curled his lips, and he shook his head. “Ah, no. I don’t need your lethal touch, thank you. I merely want to know where Maelor is. You and he seem…close.” His eyes narrowed. “You let the Serpent feed on you, didn’t you?”
If only Maelor would rip his throat out. “How would I know where he is? I’ve been locked in here for days.”
“I think he still comes to see you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” My fingers curled around the iron bars. “He’s probably long gone from Ruefield.”
He tapped his index fingers together. “You wouldn’t want your son to burn, would you?”
The stone seemed to slip away beneath my feet, and I had to grip the bars to hold myself steady. My blood roared in my head.
As I worked to keep my face a mask of calm, I relaxed the muscles around my mouth and eyes. “I told you, he’s not my son.”
The Pater glanced to his right. “We have not conquered Eboria fully, but of course, I have contacts there. Influence. People willing to serve the Archon. I could bring Leo here easily. We can put him next to you, yes? Tomorrow morning, when we purify you both in our flames. Leo will find it a comfort to be so close to you, I’m sure.” His gaze darted back to me. “Unless you can remember where Maelor is. If you have useful information for me, perhaps we can spare the boy when we kill you tomorrow. Send me information tonight when your thoughts are clearer.”
My mouth had gone dry. “How am I supposed to send you information?”
His silver hair hung before his face, and shadows darkened his gaunt cheeks. “Examine your soul. One of my soldiers will return at midnight. My soldier will bring the message to me in the temple. If we find Maelor by morning, little Leo will be spared.” He arched an eyebrow. “I trust you will make the right decision for that child, if not for the kingdom. I have been told that you care for him a great deal.”
Who told you? Fury hummed through my marrow.
As the metal gate slid closed, I found myself left alone in my room. Nausea climbed up my throat, and cold anger rattled through my bones.
Did the Pater actually have Leo? He might. After all, if Maelor could find him so easily, I’m sure Sion could, too. I wasn’t exactly in a position to demand proof. And in any case, I’d already made up my mind.
I wasn’t going to wait any longer.
I turned and crawled onto my bed. With a hammering heart, I inched over to the window. The wind whistled in through a crack.
Vampires had excellent hearing.
“Maelor!” I called into the night wind. Three times, shouting his name into the rushing breeze. I sat back on my bed, breathing rapidly.
Would he ever forgive me for what I was going to do next?
Right now, my body was coiled tightly with desperation. No matter what, I had to keep Leo safe.
I glanced down at the leather doublet wrapped around my shirt. It skimmed down over the waistband of my leather trousers. I was wearing too much, wasn’t I? If I was going to truly distract him, some of this would have to go.
I stood and pulled off everything except my underwear. With shaking hands, I frantically laced the doublet back up again. And it worked, I think. Without the shirt underneath, it showed off the curve of my breasts.
I laid my shirt and trousers on the floor before the fireplace, and I poured out my cup of water on them. Half-naked, I pulled on the cloak, just over my shoulders. This outfit made no sense at all. It was the costume choice of a madwoman. But it was utilitarian in its own way. Bare thighs and cleavage to distract the vampire, and the cloak to hide my tools.
A tiny click in the keyhole heralded his arrival. The door swung open, and his piercing gaze landed on me. As he stared, the blue of his eyes blended to shadows.